
Value of life

    Shweta Shrivastava
    3 Likes | 6 Views | Oct 9, 2024

    Once, a youthful boy went to his guru and said, " Guruji, my life feels so troublesome. Now and then, I feel like I have no esteem at all.

    "The educator smiled and said, "We’ll talk on this matter afterwards, but to begin with, I need you to do something for me." He gave the boy a stone and said, "Go to the market and attempt to sell this stone, but keep in mind, you have not to sell it.Only you have to do,is to inquire about its price."

    The boy took the stone to the  market. To begin with, he went to a vegetable merchant and inquired, "How much will you donate to me for this stone?"The seller laughed and said, "What will I do with a stone? I can deliver you 10 rupees for it."

    The boy moved on and went to a jeweler. The jeweler looked at the stone and said, "I can give you a maximum of 1,000 rupees, but not more."

    Then the boy went to a gemstone dealer. The dealer carefully inspected the stone and shouted, "This is  an invaluable pearl! I offer you 100,000 rupees for it!"

    The boy was stunned and ran back to his guru. He told him everything that had happened.

    The instructor smiled and said, "My child, this is the same stone, but each individual esteemed it according to their own point of view. To the vegetable seller, it was fair  a conventional stone, but the gemstone dealer recognized its genuine esteem. Essentially, our life is invaluable, but as it were, those who see it from the right viewpoint can get it its genuine worth."

    The esteem of life is not decided by outside things, but by your internal potential and capacities. Each person’s life is valuable, but its genuine esteem is recognized as it were by those who see it from the right perspective
