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I’d chase you and stick to you not as someone you knew but as a reminder of what you did…

    Abi Zenia
    3 Likes | 6 Views | Oct 6, 2024

    I was said to fear the evil’s power but, ever did they notice what they turned me into? Every fleshly being has got its own evil, and mine just happen to unleash. With no knowledge of how id turn they forced me into this and now I assure to destroy every one of you for who ive become. You may have been the purest, loveable or the biggest yet to me, now you seem to be just, fleshes and bones, as ugly and anything could be. Ever realised what you’ve done to a kid? Besides nothing can stop the unleashed evil. Youre in control no more, be not afraid I wont leave you until your last breath, your last sight would be of mine, reminding you the abonnement, the hate, the bitter sharp words shaper than any knifes and your cold actions to the child whos no more one. I’d chase you and stick to you not as someone who is known to you but as a reminder of what you did.
