I am working as teacher earning 20k salary ,with# part time i doing tuition earning little bit amount and my #brother he is also doing #job with 25k salary my father haven’t been #working since when I got job .
 Because he had some #health issues. We have one cow .my #mother is rearing the cow and she is selling milk to people ,she will be #earning some# money . Still we have some money problems , #struggle, but we are# happy .
W e are always #together eating , talking, #discussion and when we went outside also .
In my family also have clashes,# sadness, fight, but we never give up my #family person.
We have many# problems when I was studying like food , clothes, home, book, pen, fees, bills etc…we were struggling each. My father and mother was working hard to grow us.
But now a days our situation is better than before. Because my brother and me start to #investing money in stock market . And also we have dream definitely we will become #millionaire
Teacher, content writer, blogger, motivation speaker, youtuber, video creater