Keep on Fighting!

    Thena Laurden
    0 Likes | 3 Views | Oct 3, 2024


    How’s your day?

    Did you sleep well last night?

    Do you still eat on time?

    What I really want to ask you is, How is your mental health?

    How do you cope?

    How do you manage to survive each day?

     Sometimes you just end up overthinking stuff. Perhaps you continue to dwell too much on the past. It’s highly likely that you worry over what could happen. What will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the month after that? We tend to overthink things. So allow me to ask you this.


    Are you crying again? How many times did you break down today? Maybe you are just denying or ignoring what you’re feeling. Often times we say to ourselves, “We’re okay,” that “everything is okay,” even though it is not really true. I just want to tell you that your emotions are valid.


    You are not different. Don’t think that you are a burden and that no one understands you. Consider this a comfort place. I want to make you feel that you are not alone and that there is still someone who understands you. That there is still someone who listens to you because that is what we really wanted, right? That someone listens to us. Even though your mind right now may seem chaotic, there is still someone who understands you.


    It’s true that we’re all already exhausted, drained and worn out from everything - work, school, and everything else.


    But I have a question for you. When did you last experience happiness? When was the last time you could honestly say that you were content? I myself can’t even recall the last time I had true happiness. I’m writing this to let you know that you’re not the only one who experiences those feelings.


    As you are aware, when someone asks, “How are you?” we frequently respond with, “I’m okay. I am doing great,” even when, deep down, we know that we are not. And I’m here to let you know that it’s acceptable to not feel okay. Sometimes we feel like we can’t take it any longer, and from what I’ve experienced, that generally happens at night.


    I would like to remind you of the fact that many of us also go through this. We occasionally tell others that we’re alright because we don’t want to be a burden. You are not a burden, I want to assure you. I truly admire you for continuing to battle and survive up until this point, considering what you are going through is very tough.


    I feel proud for you. I will be the one to tell you that I am 3,000,000 times proud of you for all the silent battles you have fought, if no one else has already said it to you. I am proud of you because you are persistent and never give up, even though you are still healing and fighting that war. The simple fact hat you are breathing and still here shows that you have hope that things will work out.


    I understand you.


    I believe in you.


    That is why, please believe in yourself.a


    When the time comes, I hope you’ll be able to look back on this lowest point of your life and feel proud of yourself for persevering.


    I am proud of you not because you suppressed you emotions but rather, despite knowing deep down that you are weak, you are making an effort to better yourself.


    Keep on fighting!