That Pine Tree

Snowy Tree3

7th October 2024 | 15 Views | 0 Likes

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➡️The weather was snowy and drizzling as we get every year in October.  21-year-old SUMIT has finally reached to his grandparent’s Log House. It has been raining here for the last three days and according to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain for the next 3-4 days. Despite knowing this situation, Sumit had come to his grandfather’s place from Bengaluru. Today it was raining a lot, the rain had stopped him at his grandfather’s house. Otherwise, how could he have stayed at home? Grandfather’s wooden house situated on the mountain was no less than an ancient structure. Whenever he came to his grandfather’s house with his parents in his childhood, he used to play with his friends under the big Pine (deodar) trees. From the beginning, he was very fond of his grandfather and always used to make him buy something or the other for him. Sometimes ice cream from the nearby shop of Munmun Aunty and sometimes sweets from Luder Halwai, Sumit liked both things very much. He used to have a favorite Pine tree which was fully visible from the window of the room above his grandfather’s house. Today, thinking about all these old things, he was smiling while looking out of the window.

Now the rain had reduced outside but the fog was still the same. While looking at the snow-covered trees outside for some time, his eyes fell on the same Pine tree under which he had spent most of his childhood. That tree was standing in the same condition as it was 12-13 years ago when he had last seen it. Suddenly he felt that his eyes had seen something on the tree. But that movement was probably the movement of leaves which had come due to some strong gusts of wind. As soon as Sumit moved his right foot forward to go down from the upper room, suddenly his eyes fell on that deodar tree again. This time there was no wind. He found a figure hanging from that tree. Thick sheets of snow were falling from the tree now and then, so Sumit thought that it might be his illusion, but to make sure, he decided to go near that tree. It must have been around 12:15 in the afternoon, grandfather had probably gone to the bathroom to take a bath. Sumit went out without telling them since that tree was not very far, Sumit thought that he would return in 10 minutes. Putting on his thick socks and shoes, he left the house. When he reached near that deodar tree and looked, he found that there was nothing on that tree. There was only snow around the tree. He started walking back towards his house. While returning he noticed that he had come alone but there were 4 footprints on the snow going towards the tree. When he looked back, there were only 2 footprints of his. This was a bit strange but Sumit ignored his thoughts and came back home. 

By then his grandfather had also come out after taking a bath. Lunch was already cooked. The food consisted of Babru (kachori made of gram lentils) and Madar (a dish made of cooked and soaked gram mixed with curd and aromatic spices). Both of them ate heartily. In the evening, grandfather took Sumit to the same Ludar confectioner whose shop was running as well as it was the last time Sumit had come here. Grandfather bought 1 kg of Mittha (a famous sweet of Shimla) for him amidst the crowd of people. After roaming around the market a bit, both of them came home in the evening. Grandfather was alone since sometime because grandmother had passed away 3 years ago. Sumit’s father used to work in a government job in his in-laws’ house in Bangalore. He tried to call Sumit’s grandfather to Bangalore but he did not want to leave his ancestral home in Shimla. Before going to sleep at night, the grandfather and the grandson talked a little more and then both went to sleep on their respective beds.
The next day Sumit had to go to the famous Mall Road of Shimla, it had been many years since he had visited this place. After all he had come to Shimla after so many years.
Next day: After roaming around a lot and enjoying tasty snacks, Sumit was returning to his grandfather’s house. It was 6 in the evening when he reached near the house. Now the deodar tree was visible from a distance and light rain had started again. There was a pond nearby which had almost frozen in the cold. As soon as Sumit was passing near the pond, his eyes involuntarily went to the deodar tree. Don’t know why this time he saw that figure again and this time very clearly. It seemed as if someone was hanging from the tree and swinging with the help of a rope. He quickly moved his steps towards the tree. It seemed as if someone was pulling him towards that tree and he was helplessly being pulled towards it! When he reached very close to the tree, he saw that the figure swinging from the tree suddenly disappeared. The wind was making a rustling sound as it struck the deodar and other trees. Before Sumit could think of anything, he heard a girl’s voice. When he turned back and looked, a very beautiful girl covered in a pink jacket was standing near him.
Girl: What are you looking at up there? It has started raining, you should go home.

Sumit: No, I just felt like someone is swinging up there on the tree. This is the second time in the last two days that I have felt like this.
Girl: So you saw that too. Some people also see such things sometimes. But I have never seen anything?

She smiled slightly after saying this.
Sumit: I don’t know but I cannot be mistaken twice, there is something and by the way who are you?

Girl: I am Neelima, I live nearby on the lower slope. I had an elder sister Sukantha who drowned herself in this pond. It has been 2 years since this happened, but people say that maybe they see my sister’s reflection on this tree. But I don’t believe it.
Sumit: Surprised!! Why did she do this?
Girl (Neelima): I don’t know, she never told me anything. Do you seem new here?
Sumit: Yes, I have come here only 2 days ago to my grandfather’s house for a month’s college vacation. Although in my childhood I used to come here a lot with my mother and father.
It was night now (days are short during winters.) Neelima said, you live nearby, right? I am also just 10 minutes away and every day at this time I come to the garden near the pond to pluck drumstick leaves for the treatment of my mother’s diabetes. Well, you come and help me today, it is already late, if we do it alone, it will get even later and it seems that the rain will soon intensify!
Sumit agreed.
Both of them reached the garden near the pond and started plucking leaves. Later, both of them left for their respective homes. This activity continued for many days, both of them would meet, talk, pluck leaves and go to their respective homes.
One day, after helping his grandfather in his work, Sumit asked his grandfather at the lunch table: Grandfather, did any girl die by drowning in the nearby pond 2 years ago?

Grandfather: Yes, something similar had happened to that girl. She was very unfortunate. She committed suicide at such a young age. Who knows what the reason must have been, even her family members did not know anything.
He thought that he would ask the people around him about this tomorrow. Sumit was a bit of a curious boy. If he could not understand anything, he would get after it with all his might.
Sumit did not know much about this incident but his meetings with Neelima continued for a few more days. Then suddenly he stopped meeting Neelima. Sumit had not seen that girl for the last 9 days. Although Neelima did not seem like anything to him, still he did not know why he was thinking about her. The time for Sumit to return to Bangalore had also come near. His flight was after three days. That evening, Sumit was sitting under the same deodar tree, thinking about something, or maybe he was waiting for Neelima? 

Then suddenly he got up and started walking down the slope. Perhaps he was trying to find out about that girl. After walking a little further on the same road, he found Luder confectioner. He was going towards his shop with his goods. Sumit interrupted him and said, 
Sumit: Luder uncle!! Oh Luder uncle? After calling twice, Luder uncle heard the voice (uncle was a little weak in his ears.)
 Luder uncle: Walking a little slowly – Yes, tell me son, what is the matter? I am in a hurry.
Sumit: Do you know where is the house of that girl who died by drowning in a pond 2 years ago?
Luder uncle: Uncle was in a hurry, so without asking any question and without stopping, he said while walking that the house with blue paint next to my shop is hers. Saying this, he moved ahead.
Sumit started walking towards her house with fast steps. After walking for about 6 minutes, he saw the blue house and also Ludhar Chacha’s shop. He sat in Chacha’s shop for a while. His uncle was not there so he asked his age-mate Punit who worked in his shop.
Sumit: Why Punit, is this the house of that girl who died by drowning in the pond two years ago? (pointing towards the blue house) 
Punit: Yes Bhaiyya, this was her house.
Sumit: Her younger sister also lives here, right?
Punit: Which younger sister Bhaiyya? She has no younger sister, she was the only child of her parents.
Sumit: Hey, what are you saying? I have met her younger sister! I have met her many times.
Punit (laughing): Why Bhaiyya, why are you pulling my leg? She was the only child of her parents and after that accident, her mother also died. Her mother had a severe diabetes and then the grief of her daughter. Now only her father is alive who remains drunk all the time to cope with his condition.
Look, he is still sitting next to our shop and drinking alcohol. This is his father.
Without wasing a moment, Sumit went to him and asked him the same question. His father said the same thing that Puneet had told him that he had only one child.
Puneet: So what was the name of your deceased daughter?
The drunk girl’s father: Her name was ‘Neelima’!
Now Sumit was shocked !!!
It was as if current passed through his body !!!
After being in a state of stupor for 10 minutes, when he regained consciousness, his eyes fell on the big clock in the shop. The clock was showing 6🕧in the evening. This was the same time when Neelima used to come near the pond, to pluck leaves for her mother. Where Sumit had been waiting for her for the last 9 days. Where that Pine tree was.
In a panic, he ran towards the pond. After a little hesitation, Sumit’s eyes fell on that deodar tree. No snow had fallen since morning. The tree was clearly visible. Sumit saw a thick rope on the upper branch, which Sumit pulled downwards with a strong jerk. The rope fell down along with a piece of cloth, the piece of cloth looked like a dupatta. And something was written on it:
“Mother and father, I am being harassed for a long time by an old college friend of mine and there is a lot more that I cannot tell. These people have kept me hostage since yesterday and now I may not be able to return, that is why I am writing this with the pen hidden in my kurta.” And in the last line, she had written the name of the boy who had kidnapped her.
After reading this, Sumit’s senses, which were already blown away, became even more shattered. He went to his grandfather in a state of shock and told him the whole story and all the people living nearby went to the police station to inform him.
Now the police came into action. The old file was retrieved. It was found that the girl was hanged to death on the same Pine(deodar) tree and to hide the body, it was tied to a stone and thrown into the pond. At that time the girl’s dupatta was not found in the pond and the case was not investigated properly. After a few days the case was suppressed. Perhaps the murderer must have been a well-connected person. The news spread like fire and the police had to take action and after a few days the murderer was caught.

“Sumit seeing the shadow hanging from that tree, perhaps this incident had to be carried out at the hands of Sumit, perhaps Neelima’s soul had chosen him.”

 The day Sumit found the dupatta was the same day 2 years ago when that girl was murdered. Neelima had taken her revenge at the hands of Sumit.

End of the Story !!!




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