Once upon a time in the town of Boston, a rich young man named John arrived to survey the area. Boston was known for its rich mineral deposits, and John had been appointed to evaluate the land for a potential mining project. He hired a horse cart, and as they traveled, the driver struck up a conversation.
What's your name? asked the driver.
I'm John, he replied. I'm here to conduct a survey. There's a mining project being planned here, and I'm supposed to assess the area.
The driver, whose name was Tom, was taken aback. A mining project? Here? Let me show you around then, he offered.
John agreed, grateful for the guidance. Tom first took him to a small, dilapidated hut. Look at this, Tom said. These people are very poor. Do you think they deserve to live like this?
John was puzzled but said nothing. Next, Tom brought him to a playground where children were laughing and playing. See this? Tom said, pointing. These children should be crying. They're too happy.
John felt uneasy but still stayed silent. Finally, Tom led him to a vast, open ground with a beautiful, serene lake in the center. Look at this lake, Tom said. "It's green and peaceful. Destroy it.
At that moment, John realized what Tom was trying to convey. He felt a pang of guilt. I'm so sorry, John said, his voice trembling. I never considered the impact our project would have on this place. I won't allow my company or anyone else to destroy this habitat. We must protect the gifts that nature has given us.
John returned to his company with a new mission: to preserve Boston's natural beauty and ensure the well-being of its inhabitants.
Moral: Don't let greed steal the smile of another. Protect what is precious, not just for yourself, but for everyone.