Lost Smile

    Om Pathak
    1 Likes | 4 Views | Sep 13, 2024697478 | 6051

    She in hunger;

    in despair

    Travels the woods

    With no care.

    Searching for food,

    She comes across a tree

    As the tree cooed

    For the one thing she need.

    She sat under the tree,

    Looked above and smiled

    Laying carefree.

    The tree smiled back

    And little kodamas peeked

    As other tree gathered

    To see the little girl smile.

    They sat around the girl

    And little kodamas began to cook.

    She sat with her legs curled

    While curiosity glistened.

    It was now time,

    And little kodamas brought the food,

    And as the girl munched,

    Her happiness spread across

    Like wind with wings ; cool

    And she ate till her stomach was full.

    She smiled and fell asleep

    A very deep sleep.

    As it was her,

    Last course of meal.

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