My Hair’s A Mess

    Om Pathak
    1 Likes | 1 Views | Sep 13, 2024

    My hairs are a mess!

    What do I do?

    I should go to a barber,

    True, True, True.

    No, No, No,

    I want long hairs,

    Smooth, Shiny, Silky,

    So that I could flair.

    Cranky is my brain,

    It wants me to clean it’s home

    But fancy is my heart,

    It won’t let me go.

    Fear reigns upon,

    As my hairs seize my home,

    Should I run or fight?

    Condemn or Condone?

    Then here comes the two,

    My Heart and my Brain,

    Fight- fight; Run-run.

    I felt my energy drain.

    Whom should I choose,

    I am very confused.

    Should I go or not?

    Please RESCUEEEEE!!!