Learn something new every day with our interesting science facts get a little smarter with these fascinating science facts. Uncovering the mysteries of the universe one fact at a time and exploring the science of the world and beyond you will get the inside scoop on the latest scientific breakthroughs.
Hawaii moves closer to Alaska every year
As unbelievable as it may sound, Hawaii, the tropical paradise with its pristine beaches and volcanoes, is moving closer to Alaska every year. The Earth’s crust is split into segments known as tectonic plates. The hot, less dense rock rises before cooling and sinking. The consequence of this is that It’s slowly, very slowly, drifting in that direction thanks to the movement of tectonic plates. The Pacific Plate is drifting slowly north towards the North American Plate. Meaning it is around 7.5cm closer every year.
Life cannot exist on Earth in 2.3 billion years due to temperature
2.3 billion years from now, our sweet little planet Earth might not be so sweet anymore. Nope, not because of an alien invasion or anything like that. It’s all because of good old science The Earth’s temperature is rising every year. In this period, temperatures will be high enough to evaporate the oceans, and Earth will become a vast desert, similar to Mars today. This means the temperature on Earth will go up, up, and way up, making it impossible for life as we know it to survive.
Venus spins clockwise
Venus is a beautiful planet with its mystery as most planets spin anti-clockwise if viewed from above, including the Earth. However, there are two exceptions: Uranus spins on its side and, Venus spins clockwise, or in other words, from west to east. It’s kind of a rebel, going against the flow. The exact reason behind this unique spin is still a bit of a mystery.
Babies have more bones than adults
Babies have tiny little bodies and cute little faces and actually have more bones than adults do. Babies have around 300 bones at birth. This extra flexibility means they pass through the birth canal and enable rapid growth. When we’re born, we’ve got around 300 bones in our bodies, but as we grow up, many of these bones fuse together. With age, many of the bones fuse. Most adults have 206 bones in their skeleton.
Animals use the magnetic field to know where they are
Animals just seem to know where they, are going Like they never get lost. According to the U.S Geological Survey evidence suggests that some animals have the ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and to use this sense for navigation. They use the Earth’s magnetic field Animals have this hidden sense that lets them detect the magnetic field, like a built-in GPS. They can use this to figure out where they are and where they’re going.