Designer (1)

When Death Smiled

    Kartik Ahuja
    0 Likes | 5 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    I was a simple foot soldier that had no place but be in war,

    It was beautiful whenever I picked up my shield and sword,

    The day came when the fear came in my mind and heart,

    It was just a thousand of us but fighting an army that was hard to count,

    My soul was down as to how to fight this adversary so strong,

    Numbers that were not in thousand but lakhs,

    I just went to war thinking nothing, but had your thoughts in my heart,

    My heart was thinking who will take care of you when I am gone,

    Still, I marched with less fear but anxiousness just at heart,

    Swords and blades that were rusted but still used, clashed hard,

    Going through the Archers and then horsemen were my plan,

    I charged to the army that was in the north fought everyone in my path,

    Just then few hits went through my armor and that is my I smiled,

    Blood was oozing through my body, but my adrenaline was high,

    Death smiles at all of us I thought, we mere thousands having to loss but ourselves,

    That is when I saw the angel of death staring at me from a distance but disappear,

    My end was near I felt, that is when slowly the angel of death came near with smile,

    I smiled back and said it is not today my friend that I came coming,

    That is when I hit him with a blow of my sword smiled back and then slowly looked back,

    Felt my war for today is done, someday will go smiling again but could be the last breath you never know.