I have #teen aged grand daughter “Asha”. Other day Asha said “Nani, I have steped in class 7 th I am facing one or other problem everyday. “
She further said “I have been trying to appear for #mathematics Olympiard examination. Some mathematics questions of topic ‘area’ and ‘volume’ I can handle with ease.Questions of #permutations and combination I am not sure I can handle with that precision as I can handle other topic like trignometry and #geometry. My swimming activity sometimes is no more #pleasure to me. My mood changes and emotionally hurts me very often. Sometimes my class teacher is expecting that I should do better in creative #writing. My mother is of view that sound mathematics #background can take you long way.”
I said”Yes my granddaughter many happening in life #hurt us.”
My grand daughter further said” nani! who will come and help me to cross these #hurdles of my life. “
I said “sweetheart… it is true that someone will come to save you and get you out of #difficulties, but it is no one else but you. “
IÂ further said”Asha when you are struggling, the only person you see is yourself. You are your own #hero. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s true: You can only save yourself; nobody is coming to #rescue you from your problems.”
I further added and said ” The truth is Asha do not sit around and wait for a #miracle to come your way. Nobody is going to come in and do the work for you.It is no #magic trick beta. Taking responsibility for your life and recognizing that you can’t #depend on others to solve all of your problems is an essential step to achieving #success.”
Moral – It’s important to remember that by putting in #sincere effort and taking right action, you can make things happen for yourself in #positive direction. With your hard work you are the one who will #save yourself!”
Sukarma TharejaÂ
Alumnus IITK