Chapter 1
I didn’t mean to kill her confidence. This was my third failed date. The app wasn’t working. I needed one for people like me.
“Sorry, Martha. I didn’t mean to offend you. Maybe we should end the date here,” I said.
“What are you talking about?” said Martha.
“Bye, Martha, I’ll take care of the bill,” I mumbled, backing away.
Eyes tracked my every step as I stumbled toward the exit. My hands were wet, my forehead burned, but inside, I was cold.
Hands trembling. Heart racing. I paid the bill and dashed to the door.
A storm raged in my mind. What had I said? What went so wrong?
On the bus home, the cold seat against my back did little to cool my flushed face.
What happened there? Why did I make Martha feel that way? I didn’t mean to. Did I make her feel bad?
"Oh, shit," I muttered.
I glanced around, avoiding eyes, turning to my phone.
“Hi Alex, how was your date?” Frank asked.
“Dad, I was the kid at the party, not the host. I thought I ruined the date with a comment I made but thinking about it now, I think I was wrong” I replied.
“Oh, my son. Did you pay the bill?” Frank continued.
“Of course, Dad. I might be scared, but I have manners. I’m going to my room. I’m tired.”
I shut the door and thought of calling Loli. The interview was tomorrow. Just a customer service job, but I needed it. I didn’t like my father paying my way. I wanted to help him.
They said this job was hard. Maybe they were right. I hoped the interview was the hardest part. After that, maybe things would get easier. But I had a feeling the real work was just beginning.
Chapter 2
(It will continue…)