
Phesmadion: Conquerors of Abyss

    Mc keksik
    0 Likes | 6 Views | Sep 12, 2024


    308-310 A.R. (Arca Regalis)

    A recluse surrounded by wasteland, spreading across the vast surroundings. The wind blows sharp dust, sinking into every corner of the island, into every crevice, into every memory of the past.An island strewn with ancient wealth, bygone glory and a cloud of silence. He is waiting for something that will never come back. It buried the city, forests and all other life around it.Why?The dark backdrops of history are still shaken by the explosions that still reverberate from the depths of Mount Phesmadion. Once a proudly towering table mountain, but today just a speck of dust in the shape of a massive caldera.A flash war took place there, which lasted only a few hours, but managed to change the island beyond recognition, and it was enough to use a single weapon once, which decided the entire existence of the island. 

    Great world powers fighting for territory between two continents declared a war so harsh that it shook the whole world. That night, heavy clouds engulfed Phesmadion and obscured it from public view, almost forever. Many would say that there is no escape from reality and its consequences, but hope is the last to die and with it the last spark of life...