The Alpha's Captives

The Alpha’s Captives (Book 1) Chapter 2

    Natasha Cogill
    0 Likes | 1 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    My night is ruined, she thinks to herself as they make their way back to the other girls.  She stands in the circle and dances but decides that it's too hot on the dance floor.  She makes her way back to the table to sit alone watching the other girls move on the dance floor. 

    “Hey, is this seat taken?” 

    She looks up at the strange voice and her heart skips a beat. It’s the guy whom she bumped into a while ago. An alarm goes off in her head and warns her that it's not a good idea. 

    “No.” Kaylee says shortly. 

    Maybe he didn’t hear her as the music was so loud, because he pulled the chair closed and sat next to her. A Waiter walks past them, and the guy stops him. 

    “What are you drinking?” he asks 

    “Nothing, I am not drinking with rude men.” Kaylee says 

    Her words don’t bother him. He lifts her glass and smells it.  Shocked he lifts his eyes and says “Coke?” 

    “Yes, it's non-alcoholic.  I had enough to drink for one night.” she says while staring at the handsome man before her. 

    “Please bring another coke for the lady.” he says 

    The waiter turns and leaves and she lean with her arms on the table.   

    “Are you deaf or something? I said I don’t want to talk to you” she says and looks in his direction. 

    “But I want to talk to you.” he says smiling. 

    “O, about what?” she asks 

    “All of you look so happy like you are celebrating something?” he asks 

    “We are celebrating something, it’s a bachelorette party.” she says 

    “A Bachelorette party at a night club? What happened to a traditional kitchen tea?” he asks, amused. 

    That she did have under the watchful eyes of her mother and the criticizing look of her mother-in-law. Tonight is just a night for some fun between her and her friends. 

    “A kitchen tea is boring and unpredictable. I don’t know where you come from, but times has changed.” she says staring at him 

    “It definitely did.” he says 

    Maybe it’s the last shooter that she swallowed, but she wants to tease him a bit. 

    “Modern girls don’t come to the marriage with old cookie cans and trousseau chest full of old stuff anymore. They come as normal people, so they also have a say in the wedding.” she says. In her way it's not entirely true.  She will definitely be giving up her freedom. 

    The Lambert family is rich.  Richer than her parents and an example of moral values. 

    “H’m. Being obedient to the man did also change since I was last at a wedding.” he says smiling at her. 

    “Faithfulness is also not relevant anymore but to have respect coming from both party's is still necessary.” she says 

    “Who told you that?” he asks 

    “The minister. My fiancé and I went for marriage counseling.” she says 

    “Your fiancé? You mean you are the bride?” he asks 

    Kaylee frowned. It sounds as if he doesn’t believe her. 

    “Why would I lie about something like this? Tomorrow when the clock strikes 16h00.  I will be Mrs. Lambert.” she says, making herself clear. 

    “I see,” he says with narrow eyes. 

    “I don’t know what you see but hopefully it's another table that you can go sit at.  Here comes my friends and I don’t want to pull unnecessary attention. So please leave.” 

    The guy looks up in the direction of the dance floor.  He stands up and when he smiles this time it looks fake. “See you later.” he says before he walks away. 

    Kaylee doesn’t know why but she keeps finding herself looking into the crowd.  Secretly she hopes to see him again, but she has no idea what she wants to do with this information. A waiter puts down a tray in the middle of the table.  There are more than two shooters for each. 

    “We didn’t order again yet.” Chantal corrects him. 

    The waiter looks over his shoulder. “Someone from the bar did. He told me it's for the girls having a bachelorette party.” Immediately he got everyone’s attention. 

    “Who can it be?’ Asks Tanya, but Kaylee just looks out in front of her. 

    “I have no idea, there are so many people at the bar it can be anyone.” Tanya says handing out the shooter glasses. 

    “I don’t think we should disappoint the guy that bought this. On Kaylee and her wedding tomorrow.” 

    Kaylee empties her two shot glasses, and it burns until it reaches her stomach. For a few minutes she feels slightly lightheaded. That is it for her for being so daring. She knows very well that she is not used to drinking such strong alcohol. 

    “Excuse me I am just going to wash my hands quickly.” she says as she stands up. She doesn’t think any of her friends heard her. Someone turned up the volume of the music. The load music hits the walls and bounces back to the center of the hall. Its more quiet in the hallway, but just as she wants to walk into the bathroom someone puts their hand on her shoulder.   

    She has a fright but her six senses already warned her against the man that was sitting with her a few moments ago. “You again?” 

    He smiles. “Don't you say thanks for the shooters?” 

    "No, because I didn't ask for them." she wants turn and walk away, but his hand hold her still.

    "Lets go talk outside where it is more private." he says

    She shake her arm loose. "You are not serious. I am not going let you pick me up like a floose on the night before my wedding."

    The guy's eyes sparkle. "Who says I am going to pick you up.  Maybe I am just talking about a  unharmful fling. Something to try before you are chained to your marriage and always be trapped with the same man. Maybe you will remember once one of the chains begins to gut.