Difference between shamanism and other spiritual practices. | Shamanism In India | ShaGuru’s Shamanism

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    Shamanism is the most ancient spiritual healing practice. It is based on the belief that illness, tragedy and hardship are caused by spiritual forces and that they must be addressed in order to resolve the problem and restore balance and harmony. ShaGuru's Shamanism uses a variety of methods to access the spiritual realm to heal the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual.

    Defference Shamanism & Spiritual Practice

    Shamanism is different from other spiritual practices in its methods of healing. Shamanism focuses on prayer, meditation, sounds of drums, rattles, sound frequencies, trance levels to facilitate healing. In addition, some shamanic rituals also involve the use of hallucinogenic plants and substances, the ingestion of which is believed to open up a person to the spiritual realm.

    Shamanism also differs from other spiritual practices as it focuses on the individual’s need to reconnect with the spirit world. In ShaGuru's Shamanism, we help an individual  take a personal journey to connect with the spirit world, which is necessary for healing. In other spiritual practices, the individual may be required to join a community or participate in certain rituals, but there the individual is not having a personal connection with the spirit world.

    In shamanism, the shaman acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, serving as a mediator between the individual and the spirit world.

    For Shamanism courses/healing visit www.ShamanismInIndia.com 
    or Call/WhatsApp on +91 9867772848

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