6-10.Billionair hidden son


12th September 2024 | 4 Views | 0 Likes

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6~~~~~8 BILLIONAIRE HIDDEN SON 6 So mark took Paulina to where he was living, when he brought her to their place he was looking at her. Then he kissed her on the forehead, then he kissed her hands. eyes of desire Then he kissed her again, and said I love you so much, my Paulina, I love you so much, and I will make sure you live the life you want… “So even if I want you to build me an apartment, or buy me a car, will you do that or are you JUST decorating me here, said Paulina without knowing who he is talking to…

 “If you kiss me then I can even turn this night into day, or every time you look at the stars in the sky you see your name, said Mark and Paulina started laughing.. “You see you are lying to me now, said Paulina in a self-deprecating voice.. “You are a kiss, see the wonders now, I failed to show you that you can give me whatever punishment you want, said Mark Kweli. Paulina approached him and kissed him on the cheek, and he was surprised that the dynamite in the sky wrote I love u Paulina, and Paulina did not believe her eyes and did not know if there was anything like that. that, he found himself looking at Mark with disbelieving eyes

. Then he approached him and hugged him. Then he said “I love you Mark, Mark pulled him in and they started the big kisses, they kissed a lot of them. Then they said goodbye to Paulina and he went inside.. Pin Mark, but when he takes Paulina home, he always goes back to the office. and did all the work he was supposed to do all day long, because he didn’t want to let his father down and he didn’t want to show his position to his lover, that was his life, that day he returned to the company very happy…. He was surprised to find that James still hadn’t left and It was almost five o’clock at night

. “Why are you here, Mark asked with a smiling face… “I was finishing work here, you seem very happy, said James “STOP, I’m happy to see you, Thank you very much James, because without ww I feel I would not have found my Paulina, you are indeed a true friend to me and I will always love and respect you, said mark happily.. James’s eyes became as if they were the target of tears, but he struggled and found himself laughing and congratulated Mark. it comes with Paulina that she will always love you, and when she is crying because of your betrayal, I will be by her side and caress her… Mark knew that James’s hug was a compliment and he said to himself that “Thank you very much, James, you really owe me something for what you did to me..

. So after that they said goodbye to James and he left home and left Mark as he continued his usual activities, but every minute he found himself texting me Paulina, how are you sleeping, I love you, that is, I just fell asleep… Paulina started doing her activities when she fell asleep, and found herself being watched and sleepy, he came to be shocked after his phone rang and when he looked he saw the name on the screen reading my beautiful, he smiled and answered the call with a bang….. , Today I got a phone call earlier. I should come clean, he said Mark and Paulina said they would see each other at work. Mark jumped and went to a hotel close to the area.

 He took a shower. Paulina has already arrived, so he didn’t want her to know that she hadn’t arrived at work yet….. After a while, Mark was surprised to be called by one of the company’s employees and told him that he was being called, now Mark’s mind told him that he might be called by Paulina because he hasn’t seen her. Go out in the morning, then he went out with his fagio, but when he came out he was surprised to meet his father, billionaire Franco found himself shocked and all the workers were there, including Paulina and all the others, together

9—10 BILLIONAIRE HIDDEN SON 9 Mark continued to caress Paulina and he was not ready to lose her, he was ready to do anything to be with Paulina, he continued to bother Paulina and apologized that he loved her but Paulina continued to call him a liar and said that he could not be and a decadent man like HIM… Mark started to have thoughts and started to bring violence to him every time he felt that he would be close to Paulina, his heart completely refused to accept that Paulina was not his,

he believed in any way that he must live with Paulina because she is the first woman HIM loving him….. James was not far away, he was following everything that Mark was doing and what Paulina was doing, he started getting close to Paulina, he started calling her and sending her sms every time, and they were talking a lot and happily, and during the weekend James was going to Paulina’s house and won with him ONLY as friends, and he made sure that he was her greatest comforter all the time Mark was away…

Mark struggled to find evidence for Paulina that he didn’t do anything on purpose, because he even lied about his identity to her because he loved her so much, but Paulina was nowhere to be seen completely understand her…. One day Mark followed Paulina and heard her talking to one of her colleagues that her phone was broken and she wanted a new phone… “What kind of phone do you want to have, the colleague asked her.. “Every woman of these days he wants to have an iPhone, but that’s why money is hard now, said Paulina..

. “At the same time Mark went out and went to the store with a phone and asked for the phone Paulina wanted. Then he bought it… Later he went to where he lives and knocked on the door, but the moment when Mark went to Paulina and James, he missed Paulina and wanted to at least see her, so he saw Mark knocking on the door of the house where Paulina lives…. After several minutes, the door opened and Paulina came out.. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you coming to me right now… “I’m sorry mama, please listen to me at least a little and I have brought you something, that is, even if you drive me away, then take what I brought, said Mark and immediately he took out the box and handed it to Paulina… It’s not a secret Paulina was very happy, but she pretended I don’t want your gifts

, Mark didn’t even say anything, he took the phone box and handed it to Paulina. Then he said if you don’t like it, throw it away or sell it. , he found himself hating Mark more and more and felt that he was taking his fruit from him…. Then the next day Mark is on his own and continues with his actions. He is surprised when Paulina comes. Then he put the phone box on the table.which your wife has rejected, Mark, how do you treat me, but do you feel that maybe Mm is a liar or something, said Paulina and the whole time Mark was silent… When Paulina left, Mark started to think, he felt that there is someone close to him who is ruining him and will he find him, because It’s obvious that Paulina loves him now because he keeps coming up with excuses, there must be someone pumping him up by sending him false words, that’s why he’s getting more and more distant from her….

While he was sitting there, he suddenly got an idea.. He picked up his phone and called someone, it was Hawa people who decorate the halls, he was giving him instructions and the man agreed, then he looked for one employee and asked him to announce that the next day there will be a party to introduce two things, but he did not say what things… So the days went by and finally the next day came.. People they had all arrived at the party and still Mark hadn’t identified HIMSELF as the son of an unknown billionaire, but since the woman who will not know his identity and already knew, he saw no need to continue dying

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