
    Sana Jamshaid
    1 Likes | 2 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Rose. She was a sweet and kind girl but in life she had lost so much. She was an orphan who lost her sister right after they arrived at the orphanage. She never got proper education but she loved reading and at the orphanage, she would spend most of her time in the library, teaching herself how ro read.  Despite losing her entire family, she always found the light in things and stayed positive. She had a friend at the orphanage named Claire. Claire was the opposite of Rose. She was moody and negative, but they got along really well. Both of them were really close and Rose thought of Claire as her sister. They would wreak havoc in the orphanage and always have the best time together. There was no way Rose would ever replace Claire but fate had another plan for them.

    One night while they were having dinner, Claire started coughing and wouldn't stop. She got off her chair and collapsed on the ground. Rose's heart dropped. Claire was barely breathing. She was taken to the hospital. Rose couldn't sleep the entire night.  In the morning she was informed that Claire had to be taken to London for better treatment. Rose never got to say goodbye and it broke her heart. After that incident, she just became sulky and wouldn't talk to anyone. She had lost a partner. She had left like this when she lost her real sister, Violet. It was a horrible feeling however at that time, Claire had been with her to get her over it. Who will support her now? 

    Years passed and Rose turned 15. One day, while at night, when she couldn't sleep, she overheard the workers at the orphanage talking about Claire. 

    " I cleaned the attic yesterday and found out that the girl had written a will. Some kind of necklace was to be given to Rose," said one of the workers.

    " Well, it isn't a real will, is it? She had no lawyer or anything," said the other worker.

    " True. But, should we give the necklace to the girl?"

    " No one knows here that she's dead."

    That was it. Rose burst into tears and covered her mouth with her hand to muffle the sound. She was lied to. Her best friend was dead and no one told her about it.

    If you like this story, comment and I'll complete it and write new ones as well. Like this story as well.

                  Thank You! and I can't wait to fulfill this story.