How easily someone say " Just move on " And we try to..... Start socializing with other people, start new hobby, go to gym or basically diverting the mind.
Actually gain new experiences and develop more qualities. BUT when suddenly see the other person on random place, that's memories start to take over the head. It blocks the thoughts of move on.
Where that you realise trying of move on but everything failed. Nothing works, this feeling hit that person who is attached to a particular person or group. When the attitude of does not care anymore, means it only a temporary thread.
No matter what you have try to move on Still sometimes or someday, nobody around you, there you are thinking about the broken thread of yours. When suddenly see those places you used to visit there with them, then voices of promises and laughing together disturb the peace of mind. Even replacing them with new one is you try to find a person who have personality like them or overcome of their weaknesses nothing else.
- Acceptance :- yes, accepting that now that promises become past and those event never going to happen. Accepting that, maybe mistakes made by both sides, maybe that's a destiny.
- Let it go :- like childhood comes in life then teenage then adulthood then old age. These are stage of life like that some people comes in life and gone it can be friend, group of classmates, random friend, special person, even parents.
- Don't ignore your emotions :- if you suppress your emotions, but you are ruining your peace of mind, So, don't ignore your emotions and express them whatever comes out.
Moving on is difficult phase when you are truly indulgence with those feeling and person. But adapting the situation and work according to them is wise step.
#moveon , #feeling, #milyin, #positivethinking.