Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks 6

Healthy Alternatives to Soft Drinks

    Malavika Chandel
    1 Likes | 25 Views | 6 days ago

    Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks

    The increased consciousness among people towards health-related issues over time has led to a decline in the craze for #soft #drinks. They are opting more for #healthy alternatives to soft drinks now. Many scientific studies have pointed towards the negative impact of soft drinks on our #health in the long run. There was a time when soft drinks were popular to such an extent that these used to be go-to drinks for every occasion. However, recent #research on the negative health aspects of soft drinks has convinced people to search for healthier and better options. People now choose green tea, herbal tea, kombucha, coconut water, and fruit-infused water over soft drinks. If at all they want to take soft drinks, they are asking for a less sugared and less carbonated version of the same. The deliberate decision to move away from soft drinks to healthier alternatives is primarily because of the increased number of diseases in the past decade. Let us look at some healthy alternatives to soft drinks that you can enjoy guilt-free.

    Before moving on, let us look at what soft drinks do to our bodies.

    Soft Drinks

    Health Risks of Soft Drinks – Critical Review

    Many studies have found a clear-cut relationship between the intake of soft drinks and obesity.

    It is also observed that the consumption of soft drinks limits the intake of other important beverages such as water or milk.

    This furthers a nutritional shortage leading to many problems.

    Some of the big concerns associated with soft drinks include the high amount of sugar and the increase in the total energy intake.

    Research has found that people do not expend the extra energy they consume through soft drinks by working out or consuming less of other foods.

    This leads to the problems of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases in the long run.

    The researchers have also found a strong negative relationship between consuming soft drinks and intakes of calcium, protein, fruits, fruit juices, vitamins, and other nutrients.

    Moreover, it was seen that people with a daily habit of taking soft drinks also have poor dietary choices in general.

    Such people were seen to be more attracted to non-nutritious foods such as burgers and pizzas.

    All the above findings sufficiently indicate looking for healthy alternatives to soft drinks.

    Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks 1

    How to Choose Healthy Alternatives to Soft Drinks

    The available evidence shows that when sugar-sweetened beverages are replaced with water or low-calorie alternatives, they have potential health benefits.

    Soft drinks are often called “hidden” or “empty calories” because they can add too many calories to your diet without providing any nutritional benefit.

    So, what should be the criteria for choosing a healthy alternative to soft drinks?

    Consider the following points when going to buy a healthy beverage:

    • ·       A healthy drink will have low or no sugar in it.
    • ·       It is made using whole, natural products and contains no additives.
    • ·       A healthy drink will contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
    • ·       Choose water over a sugar-sweetened beverage.
    • ·       The healthy drinks are produced organically.
    • ·       A drink containing probiotics is considered healthy.
    • ·       A healthy drink will have no “hidden” or “empty” calories.
    • ·       Avoid drinks with artificial sweeteners, colors, and preservatives.
    • ·       Make a habit of checking the label of the drink.
    • ·       Ensure that the drink is low in calories or provide calories from nutritious sources only.
    • ·       If a beverage contains caffeine, check that it is in low to moderate quantity only.
    • ·       A beverage having health & nutritional benefits for the human body is healthy.

    Top Healthy Alternatives to Soft Drinks 

    Now that you know all the disadvantages of soft drinks, you must want to know the better and healthier alternatives available.

     Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks 2

    A.) Water-Based Drinks 

    A significant part of your body (about 75%) is made of water.

    It is the healthiest, cheapest, 100% sugar-free, and most readily available beverage you can choose for your health.

    You can make plain water healthier by choosing the following ways:

    • ·       Infused Water – Spa water is prepared by infusing fresh fruits or herbs in water and letting them stand for a few hours to allow the flavors to blend.

    The main health benefit derived from infused water is the presence of phytochemicals in fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

    These provide a wide range of therapeutic benefits including antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antihypertension, anticancer, and antimicrobial.

    Common fruits and vegetables for making infused water include lemon, apple, strawberry, grapes, pineapple, cucumber, okra, and herbs.

    However, infused water must be prepared with precautions to avoid any risk.

    The fruits, vegetables, and herbs should be fresh and have an intact rind or skin.

    Wash your hands properly before preparation and keep the infused water in a sealed container in the fridge.

    • ·       Sparkling Water – Also known as “seltzer water” or “carbonated water”, it is infused with carbon dioxide.

    It can be a healthier and refreshing alternative to soda as it doesn’t contain added minerals or sweeteners.

    Also Read – Natural Detox Drinks: Get A Control Over Your Body

    Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks 3

    B.) Teas

    Next to water, tea is another highly consumed beverage by humans.

    Tea has been consumed since ancient times due to its purported health benefits.

    Studies have shown that drinking green and black tea can help prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, aging-related issues, arthritis, and neurological disorders.

    Other types of teas with health benefits include herbal teas, pu-erh tea, oolong tea, jasmine tea, hibiscus tea, etc.

    Also Read: Is Boba Tea Healthy?

    C.) Natural Juices and Smoothies 

    Juices or smoothies can be a part of a balanced diet and a good way to keep one hydrated.

    Drinking fresh vegetable or fruit juice can be an excellent way of providing essential vitamins and minerals to your body.

    Findings have revealed that if juices are consumed in moderation and within the recommended limits (75-224 ml daily), they do not increase obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or glycemic index.

    Some studies have found that the regular consumption of fruit juices – up to 500 ml per day – provides health benefits of vascular function, reduced blood pressure, and improved cognitive abilities.

    Though a source of free sugars, fresh juices, and smoothies are also rich in potassium, calcium, vitamin C, folate, carotenoids, and polyphenols which have health benefits.

    Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks 4

    D.) Plant-Based Milk 

    The demand for plant-based milk is increasing due to allergies to cow milk, lactose intolerance, and calorie concerns.

    Some cow milk alternatives include soy milk, peanut milk, rice milk, oat milk, sesame milk, coconut milk, almond milk, hemp milk, hazelnut milk, tiger nut, lupin milk, flax milk, and quinoa milk.

    Let us look at the health benefits of some of the famous milk alternatives:

    • ·       Soy Milk – The milk is found to have protective properties against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and cholesterol.
    • ·       Peanut Milk – Researchers have found its protective role against oxidative damage, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
    • ·       Rice Milk – Known to lower cholesterol, hypertension, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative properties.
    • ·       Oat Milk – It helps lower blood sugar levels and reduces total and LDL cholesterol.
    • ·       Sesame Milk – It has health benefits such as reducing oxidation, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, fighting tumors, and protecting against viruses.
    • ·       Almond Milk – It has powerful antioxidant properties that fight against free radicals. It also has prebiotic properties.
    • ·       Coconut Milk – The vitamin E in coconut milk fights against aging and nourishes the skin.

    It helps in the growth of the brain, strengthens the immune system, and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels.

    E.) Probiotic Drinks 

    Probiotics are also known as “health-friendly bacteria” and have shown many health benefits.

    Some of the well-known benefits offered by probiotics include:

    • ·       prevention of bowel diseases,
    • ·       boosting the immune system,
    • ·       helping with lactose intolerance,
    • ·       maintaining a healthy gut,
    • ·       lowering cholesterol and blood pressure,
    • ·       easing post-menopausal symptoms,
    • ·       reducing traveler’s diarrhea
    • ·       improving atopic eczema, wound, and scar healing,
    • ·       skin-rejuvenating properties,
    • ·       improving or preventing dental caries, periodontal infection, and halitosis

    Some beverages containing probiotics are kefir, kombucha, yogurt, miso, kvass, tepache, buttermilk, etc.

    Healthy Alternatives To Soft Drinks 5

    Tips for Moving to Healthy Alternatives to Soft Drinks

    If you want to transition from an unhealthy habit of soft drinks to healthier beverages, remember that a slow but steady one wins the race.

    A gradual shift from soft drinks will help you avoid the withdrawal symptoms.

    One must experiment with various healthy flavors available to discover the best drink.

    It is equally important to be mindful of consuming different varieties of healthy drinks in moderation only.

    You should include a multitude of healthy drinks as a part of your balanced diet to reap a variety of health benefits offered by them.

    Certain drinks that must be avoided are:

    • Sugared Coffee Drinks
    •  Flavored Waters
    • Sports Drinks
    • Soda (both regular and diet)
    • Cocktails
    • Packaged Fruit Juices
    • Energy Drinks

    Also Read – Coffee Vs Energy Drinks: Which to Choose From?

    Takeaway Message

    Bad habits are hard to break, which is why it is important to focus on adopting healthy habits.

    However, it is never too late to make a good start.

    Transitioning to healthy alternatives to soft drinks is a habit that has long-lasting health benefits.

    Start incorporating these healthy beverages into your daily routine and feel the difference.

    Share the recipe for your favorite beverage in the comments section.

    Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered a substitute for an expert’s advice.

    Suggested Readings & References