In the year of our lord 2024 if there is one thing which is valued a lot and no one would mind having excess of it's money even if it's a few $100 and if you go on the internet you are bound to find countless article about earning money the easy way without doing any thing and the reality is that is not going to work out. All these surveys and get rich quick scheme never work and that's because
Money Can Never Be Earned Without Providing Any Kind Of Value
So here are 10 actual ways to earn money
The Ways
- Content Writing -: This is the most popular and probably the best way to earn money online so how do you actually earn money well it's quite simple there are two ways you can go about it
- Freelancing -: You can offer your services on platform like Fivver and Upwork but the problem with this is there are many people doing the same thing as you which puts you at a significant disadvantage but still if you actually get clients regularly its quite a good option to go for.
- Online Writing -: This is my preferred way of earning money through content writing and it's writing on platform which pays you there are many different platform which you can use for example I write on these 3 -: Vocal, Medium and Milyin.
- Web Designing -: This is according to me the easiest way to earn money and personally my favorite and for a very good reason because you can easily learn this skill in 2 to 3 month and you can start earning in 6 months if you are actually good at it. The way to earn with this method is either doing freelancing or offering your service up front we have already talked about freelancing but let's talk about the other method in which instead of waiting for clients to find you you do the opposite and find clients yourself. The best way is to go to your local business and offer to create a website for them if you do this to a couple of clients someone is bound to say yes and once they do you can create a website for free as a trial and if they like it you can charge them money for future and add it as a testimonial.
- Thumbnail Designing -: As the World is relying more and more on video content and the main platform video content is on is youtube. Youtuber realise the value of thumbnail and are more than willing to pay for a good thumbnail. And considering how easy of a skill it is to learn you can earn money easily after just spending 1 or 2 month learning the skill and the pay is really good as well. The way you can earn money is either by freelancing or doing the same thing you did for web designing going to youtubers and offering your service for free the first time and then charging them as you make more thumbnails.
- Video Editing -: The same logic as the thumbnail designing if you can edit videos really well you can also earn a huge amount of money. In comparison to thumbnail designing video editing is a much more useful and demanding skill and you can offer your service in the exact same way as you did with thumbnail designing.
- Youtuber -: This is the source of all the previous two jobs and that's why it also pays much better than both of them and this is also probably the one you can start immediately all you have to do is just learn the basic of thumbnail and video editing and as you go on you are going to learn more and more the biggest mistake that is made by many people which is giving up in a very short amount of time instead you should wait for atleast 2 years without seeing any kind of paycheck. Now that may seem like a long long time but if you think you're gonna become a millionaire over the weekend than you have got this entire money idea wrong and you will have to just accept it.
- Tutoring -: Tutoring is another way to earn money and is the best thing you should do if you are a student in some university or college because you will be refining your own skill alongside teaching others. You can either choose remote or offline depending on the client. There are a lot of tutoring sties online but try and find someone you already know as your client as it is going to give the confidence you need.
- Social Media Consultant -: This is probably the easiest job you are going to find on this list and the only thing which is going to be anywhere close to "easy money" and I say that because in this generation most of GEN Z is already on social media and if you are a regular user then you already know about the trends and what type of content pops off. The hardest part is probably going to be finding a client as there are not many opportunities for this specific job.
- Email Newsletter -: This is similar to content writing as in both of these you have to write content to get the user to follow you. Starting this is quite simple all you have to do is create a account on substack or any other platform of newsletter and just start writing once you have created a good following you can earn money by doing ads and sponsors.
- Content Curator -: Content curation is different from content writing in the way that instead of creating original content you curate others people contest and is a good way to earn a ton of money you can earn up to $3500 per month by using this method if you get a good following and if you share good content.
- Affiliate Marketing -: I have put this on the last for a reason and that's because for this to work you pretty much have to have a audience to which you will share all you affiliate links and that's a prerequisite which not everyone has so for this to work you will have to build a audience on maybe your own website, blog or any other platform and then share these affiliate links with them.
Hopefully you found this article helpful and if you have please do consider following and linking this content I would be really grateful. Thank you so much for reading.