I am science teacher in government school. My friend Mira teaches mathematics in my school. Her marriage is fixed by her #parents. She is in state of #anxiety and at the same time she looks bit confused also.She tells me madam"where I am and where I #want to be,I have no idea."
I said "dear Mira just #relax my friend there is endless,#boundless in between what you are and where you want to be".
Mira said"madam I feel #uncertain between my past and future."She further said"madam there are so many #uncertainties. Will I get job after marriage.?Will I be treated kindly at my in laws place?Will I be able to adjust in new circumstances?"
I said"dear Mira please do not try to figure out every thing of #future.I advise you take this moment by moment. And things themselves will get #clear.I agree some things may be #difficult for you.But I am sure many things will be #easier for you.Some way of working at your in laws place will make #absolute sense to you while others may #leave you with lots of questions.Gradually you will find answer to many #questions."
I further said "dear Mira I assure you from my #experience of life, altogether all your #experiences and anxiety may have #mountains and #valleys. When you will add all those in life, they will create a #landscape,where some how spiritual forces and blessings, will make you through with all these #anxieties and every thing will fall in right place.Therefore my friend be remain positive and stop having anxiety for same".
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK