Milyin Featured 6

I Wonder

    Giselle Pereira

    12th September 2024 | 6 Views | 0 Likes

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    Looking up at the stars so high,

    Sometimes I wish I could melt into the sky,

    Sitting alone under the night sky so black,

    Nobody knows what im truly holding back!

    I remember it like it was just yesterday

    Answer this, will I ever forget about this and be okay?

    Struggling to deal with the pain and be free someday.

    Tried to tell you but you dont believe my cries. 

    You still think im just a stupid girl getting some attention through lies!!!!!!

    The scars, the damage lasts a lifetime.

    Yet I emotionally struggle to make it through

    Not knowing why I feel and act the way I do.

    The tragedy is over but the turmoil is still there

    I wonder, if my outbursts is a way to see if anyone cares ……..

    Giselle Pereira



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