Jesus spoke seriously:
"Truly, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes will enter before you into the kingdom of God."
Gamaliel looked at him curiously because it was his first time seeing the man.
The disciple next to him was angry that Gamaliel did not react like the other Pharisees.
"Rabbi, why are you silent when this man insults us all, putting us under prostitutes and tax collectors?"
the disciple grew impatient.Gamaliel said nothing.
"I don't understand why they listen in silence when he accuses us like that. Surely that is unfair?"
Gamaliel was still silent. He turned and left meditatively, when Jesus went into the temple to pray.
"What could he be thinking?"
Gamaliel asked himself.
When he met his friend and fellow Pharisee Joseph, he told him what he had heard.
"This must be new to you,"
Joseph explained.
"What he preaches is not what we have heard or studied. I believe there is something divine about him."
"But his words seem absurd to me, accusing us of such immorality," said Gamaliel.
disappointed when he sat under a fig tree by the stream It was a hot day and many travelers were traveling to Jerusalem. The roads were full of people, soldiers, carts and donkeys. The air was full of dust. It was noon the day Gamaliel met Joseph.
"What seemed absurd to you?"
Joseph came and sat down beside him and asked.
Gamaliel tried to shake the folds of his cloak to relieve the heat.
"I don't understand one thing he said today - that tax collectors and prostitutes will enter the kingdom of God before us. How can that be when we know they won't go to heaven at all?"
Josef laughed a little."He teaches that no matter how great a sinner a person is, God will forgive their sins if they repent and make amends"
Gamaliel looked thoughtfully at Joseph."It makes sense, but I don't understand what he meant by them coming before us. Surely he meant we all go to heaven? What happens between death and heaven?"
Joseph thought about this. "I think he only teaches that we must be righteous and leave divine things beyond our understanding."
Gamaliel sighed deeply. when he got up."Yes, if it is of God, it will be fixed in time. Shalom Joseph, I will go now."
"Shalom, God bless you."
Gamaliel disappeared into a crowded street, full of people. The roof of the temple can be seen in the distance, with the sun shining behind it. The wide road leading to it is slowly covered with clouds of dust..