Are you Always Welcomed Guest??–A Dilemma—

    Sukarma Thareja
    0 Likes | 5 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    I am  science teacher  in government school. My friend Rita english teacher  has joined my school. We are friends and when ever time time permits #Rita discusses her thought #provoking problems with me. 

    Rita's parents live 800 Km away from Rita ,because Rita is #married in  different state. She feels sad as she can't reach her #parents when they are unwell. 

    There are days when Rita hardly have word with her #parents due to unending responsibilities of raising two little humans and looking after #her parents in laws. 

    Sometime my friend Rita had a strong urge of being around her parents and cook their #favourite dish ,sit with her parents and lough her heart out, re-live those childhood #moments which have become gone golden days now.

    Travelling with two kids to such a long distance was not easy for Rita. Moreover, children have #schools.

    I said dear Rita "One must Prioritise change with time in one's life.It is a fact of life our world #resides in our parents when we are young.#Marriage takes away lot of things from a girl's life. Her home where she grew up, saw ups and downs of life, city, friends.All vivid  #memories she cherished later on.Married girl not only get a new and tempting #wordrobe but a fresh set of responsibilities the moment she gets married."

    I further said"dear Rita for you and my husband was at the top most priority until we became a mother.Right now our #children are our top most priority in our life. This priority will change when our children grow up. They will get busy in their careers, and #married life.Then, again our husbands will become our first priority, I believe. We also know our partners  of life are supposed to be a support #system of each other till their last breadth."

    Rita said"Being a married girl, i don't think I will ever be able to #prioritise my parents."

    I said " Dear Rita this happens because married girl no longer remain their parents family member in the sense as she  has moved one step forward and has her own family which she has created and #supporting right now.But dear Rita fact remains , #married girl of family become a warm and always welcomed guest at her parents house.

    Sukarma Thareja

      Alumnus IITK
