Threat of Change

    Sukarma Thareja
    0 Likes | 12 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Life is rollar coster. Life is not a linear process. It is #non linear process. There are ups and down in every one's life. Associated with ups and down is change. 

    My friend Gita was #expecting her first child she was scared of #physical changes in her body. I said "Gita please consider this change happily, as this is for your good only. You are going to have your own family. Children are bundle of joy. So please #embrace this change and dont feel threatened. " I suggested Gita to take nutritious diet. Go for walk daily. This is a must for making this change comfortable ".

    My friend Namrta happen to get married in different city. She was hesitant that she msy not get job in that city. I said" Namrata #change is must in life. Be positive  about #change. #Change is learning opportunity."

    Up to Namrata's surprise, in new city she got  a better job than previous one and it was much near to her house. She was so happy because with baby to take care at home that change helped  her a lot. It saved her lot of energy and money. During lunch time she could come home and see her baby. She could attend to her baby's small needs. 

    Namrata said"sukarma !you were right, one should not be afraid of #change in life. See as per your advice I embraced #change  with positive attitude. That has made me strong and wise and to some extent there is increase in my wisdom of day to day life".

    Moral - #change is there in every one's life in one form or other. It can be physical, emotional and financial . Best is to embrace it. #Learn from it. That is going to contribute positively in one's personality.