How to handle our daily frustrations

    0 Likes | 10 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    We must be always in control of our emotions.

    I will start by saying that some times we find ourselves being frustrated with external stimuli that we can't get control how they occur.

    1. Think of a disturbing climate on a day of your long waiting interview and you have been practicing consistently.
    2. The day your partner decide to partaway from you.
    3. You might be having a social media account with big number of followers and you wake up one day when it has been hacked.
    4. Being a stock market trader, you wake up one day when the market has gone opposite your way while you had not put a stop loss button.
    5. Being a good parent that is always protecting your children from peer pressure from others but you just recognized how spoilt they become everyday.
    6. Getting disgusted with the only job that you have and praying everyday to get another one but it has taken long to happen.
    7. Reaching on the rail station while the train has gone before you reached.
    8. Feeling like you want to become successful but you don't know where to start yet you are seeing other people seriously progressing.

    Master this not  to feel frustrated again.

    It is very important to pause no matter how disturbing you might be feeling.Use your conscious mind to incorporate strategic and controlled thinking.Ask yourself this question "do I have control over this?"

    It is not easy to master and it depends on your muscle memory, sometimes you can think about something and you feel even headache  is coming with just a question that why this is happening in my life ?

    Can you confirm that You don't have control about it?

    It takes time to accept but once you accept,let it be or learn to fit in with it.Your adaptability over what you can't control can create a space in your mind to think about other things that are valuable to you than lingering on what is worrying you.Do you know that even thinking consume some energy?

    We should always remember that we must master different strategies on how to control the effect of what we can't control.

    Once you pause and stop feeling bad,ask yourself on what might be the better option over what I can't control.

    I have been a writer on Facebook for so long while not knowing this website.When I was watching a video on YouTube and the host spoke about another website that is only allowing people from a less number of countries than where I am, what I did is to ask Google  this question."what is the option of being a writer on a monetizable platform?" I mentioned the one that was limiting some countries,it is when I found this website that am on now.

    Always remember to stay calm in any situation as you are asking yourself the silver lining and better options on what you can't control or achieve.

    First ask why it is that way than your frustrations.

    On another way,we must not exaggerate trivial things in that we torture our mind.You text your partner and s/he doesn't respond on time because of the busyness that is having somewhere.It seriously itches your mind and by the time you talk to them, you are furious.

    No one loves yelling and resented people at everything without knowing the route cause of why it happened.

    We should also consider what we might lose if we fail to control our frustrations.Think of a husband that is always harsh on her beautiful wife,they have kids and some wealth.The wife one day has warned  to separate with him if he continues  behaving  that way.This can become a profound reason to the husband not to yell with frustrations at her,if he values her so much.