Sweet Nothings

    0 Likes | 4 Views | Sep 12, 2024


    A man stumbled upon a place he'd never been,
    Met a women whose kind he'd never known,
    They spoke in different tongues and talking seemed inoperable,
    And so she sang him a song,

    A song of words foreign to his ears,
    He didn't understand but found that he listened,
    Not so much for the song but her voice,
    Her voice, itself, was enough reason never to leave,
    And so he stayed,

    He stayed for as long as he could trick time,
    He dreamed, with this women, dreams he wished were his life,
    But all hearts must break and so he left with no goodbyes,
    He told himself he did so to lessen her pain,
    But he isn't sure now whose pain he was trying to ease.

    On his journey towards a place where she was not, 
    He realized the women's song was stuck in his head,
    Where once was a void now resided a string of melodies,
    Sweet nothings he's come to know better than his name,
    He dares not sing it himself,
    He would trip on the cracks of his voice into the darkness he once came,
    So he hums,
    And in his silent hums...he hears her.