Success And Happiness

Breaking Free: Strategies for Improvement of Life and Achieving Success

    1 Likes | 21 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Are you stuck in your life? Do you feel hopeless and miserable? I want to share a few valuable lessons I have learnt that can transform your life positively.

    Getting Strong Physically

    You might have heard this before: Survival of the Fittest. If we are suffering from any disease and get admitted to a hospital, all we do is pray to get better.

    We survive only if we are in good physical health. Health is the most essential part of our lives, which can't be neglected.

    It's simple to be healthy.

    1. Eat a nutritiously balanced diet and limit consumption of processed food.
    2. Exercise daily to make your body strong and grow muscles.
    3. Get an ample amount of sleep to give your body proper rest.

    Before diving deep into complex diets or workouts, keep things simple.

    Less is more, doing fundamentals well is sufficient for beginners.

    Getting Rich

    You get rich by providing products or services that are needed by others.

    How rich you can get depends on the value you provide to others.

    If you want to get richer, you have to provide more value.

    Being rich helps you get out of the survival mindset where you are constantly worried about money and only thinking about money.

    Stop Listening To Your Brain

    Have you noticed that you are indulging in self-destructive habits like watching an excess amount of porn or social media or playing video games? You keep telling yourself that you want to change, yet you don't change.

    The solution is simple. Stop listening to your brain.

    Your brain has turned against you, leading you to the path of destruction. Stop listening to your brain and follow the beliefs, thoughts and actions of other successful people.

    Not doing anything will get you more ahead than indulging in self-destructive habits.

    The input or the actions you put in will decide the output or the results you see in your life.

    Avoid Minimum Paying Jobs

    Would you go to jail for $10,000 and trade a year of your life? No right. In the same way, avoid getting into minimum-paying jobs which will not improve you in any way or teach you new high-paying skills.

    If you are not learning and growing, you will soon become stagnant and stay in the same miserable spot.

    These minimum-paying jobs won't pay you sufficient money to live your dream life.

    If you have parents or any other support system, use them as leverage and avoid getting into one of these jobs.

    Focus on building high-income-generating skills that will help you get closer to your dream life.

    Invest In Your Education

    Before you buy costly cars, houses or even clothes, invest the surplus money that remains after taking care of your shelter and food into Education.

    To earn more, you have to first learn more.

    So focus on investing all the money back into yourself and keep learning new things that help you enhance your skills and increase your earning potential.

    Don't confuse Education with getting a new degree, here Education means learning from people who have already achieved what you want in your life. 

    Take mentorship from people who have proof of achievement. Don't listen to fake gurus who don't have any credibility and save your time, money and energy.

    F*ck This Event Moment

    We all have this moment in our life where we just had enough.

    We reach the breaking point in our life, that is F*ck This Event moment.

    A moment where your living conditions are so inhuman you are willing to take drastic steps to change your life and take positive actions.

    Use these moments to push yourself in a positive direction and ensure you don't face the same problem again rather than losing hope and getting sucked into a downward spiral.

    Evidence > Confidence

    Don't be an idle talker rather be an active action-taker who does things.

    It's easy to talk and make fake promises.

    It takes more effort to build evidence that you are good at something and building this evidence will automatically improve your confidence.

    Chanting I'm a good web developer or I'm a great salesman will help very little. If you build dozens of websites and close many sales that evidence will make you more confident than simple chanting or repeating affirmations.

    Don't Accumulate Debt

    We all know that compound interest will make us millionaires or even billionaires.

    If you are in debt, you will be a negative millionaire i.e. you will have a million dollars but in debt.

    The same rule that will make you rich will put you in financial slavery.

    So pay off all your credit card and other debts as soon as possible.

    Don't take debts beyond your means. Take debt only if you know it will help you generate more income than the debt initially taken.

    Becoming an Entrepreneur: Building Audience and Selling Useful Products to Them

    Social Media, mainly YouTube has the potential to make you a millionaire. All you have to do is post consistently build a community and add value to them.

    Once you have built a community, you can sell courses, books or other products to your community.

    They will pay gladly as they value your contribution and trust you.

    The content creation market will stay for a long time, you have to be active on at least one platform and create content, make noise and gather an audience.

    Focus On Learning High Paying Skills

    As suggested earlier as well, all your time and attention should be going into improving your ability to earn before you save or invest. Once you can earn a large amount of money then you can focus on investing and multiplying your income.

    The best investment you can make is in yourself as all the skills and lessons you learn will stay with you.

    Out Work To Join Top Performers

    If you want to become the top performer and get the same results as top performers, focus on the actions that they are taking.

    For example, if a lead salesman is making 50 calls, you should aim at making 100 calls until you get good at it.

    By simply putting in more work and effort you can compensate for your lack of experience in any field and soon become a top performer in your field.

    Humans Amazing Ability To Change

    You might be feeling hopeless, scared and worried about whether you will be able to make it or not.

    Humans can change and adapt to any situation, that's what got us on top of the food chain and helped us dominate the world.

    As a human, you have the same ability to change and adapt to your surroundings.

    All you have to do is put in consistent work. You will be able to change yourself and your circumstances.

    Each Rejection Makes You Better

    Let's say you are applying for a job, create a personalised resume and messages for each company that you apply for and let's say you get rejected 1000 times. You are not the same person as the one who has not even applied for one job as you have now accumulated the experience of getting rejected 1000 times.

    If you consistently improve yourself, you will get at least one yes.

    It takes only one YES to change your life and transform it into your dream life.

    Work Is Worship

    I know many of you who are religious, who might hate the idea of pursuing money over relationships and God. When you are not in good physical condition and worried about how you will pay next month's rent, you won't be able to give your 100% to God or your family.

    Getting Strong and Rich works as the foundation for you to pursue other greater things in life and helps you stop thinking about money.

    Work is worship. In everything you do, seek God's wisdom and help and you will succeed.


    Life is pretty simple. Get physically and mentally strong, and try to get as rich as possible. Learn continuously how to do these 2 things as efficiently as possible.

    They will work as a foundation on top of which you will pursue other greater things in your life like starting a family and providing a good life to them, travelling the world, indulging in shopping sprees, enjoying the best experiences that life has to offer.

    Getting these both done and maintaining them gives you the mental peace and freedom to give back to the community, explore spirituality and build your relationship with God.

    Did you like the article, which of these steps will you implement today? Leave a comment below.

    #LifeImprovement #PersonalTransformation #SuccessStrategies #HealthAndFitness #WealthBuilding