The Pizza Delivery

    Rashad Idris
    0 Likes | 5 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    I want to share a story from when I used to work at the Pizza Parlor in my town just a few years back. I had graduated and was looking for a part time job to keep myself occupied. I was hired at the Pizza Parlor which was not a bad place at all. All the staff were friendly and nice. One day I got an order to be delivered to an address at around 10:00pm, so I took down the address and drove there on my car even though it was kind of late. It was a kind of odd adventure because this address was deeply down the forest area of the city which is a non residential area, nothing but trees for the next 5km. I didn't think of it much and just followed where the address lead to. I was bought to a sketchy looking house which was two stories of building, a small garage and a very old gate that was almost gigantic. The house looked very scary as their were no lights or any sense of population around. It was plainly humid, lonely and quiet. I didn't think much of it and I just approached the house and knocked on the door. The door swung open as it seemed to be unlocked. I yelled out that I'm the Pizza guy but I didn't get any responses. It was a disrespectful thing to do but I proceeded to enter the house. I took a step into the living room and it was all worn out with moldy furniture, creaky floor boards and what not. Their was a long corridor right around the living room but I didn't want to go in as I was at a strangers house. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned around really quickly to be greeted by a very tall and lanky looking creature which didn't seem human at all. It had a putrid smell and a disfigured face almost like someone threw acid on its face. It looked at me and yelled in a very demonic sounding voice and it sent chills down my spine. I dropped the pizza and ran as fast as I could into the corridor which kept on going for about 1 whole minute. Luckily it lead me to the back door where I helped myself escape out the back. The creature ran behind me too but I was fast enough to get into the car and drive off. My heart was racing rapidly as I drove off with a very faint-ish feeling. I stormed into the Pizza Parlor and passed out before I could tell anyone anything. I woke up to be greeted by the police who were called and I explained them the whole story. What I came to know after by the police literally sent chills down my spine. I was told that the house used to belong to a man who used to practice black magic. He was suddenly reported missing for almost 2 decades now and that no one ever went in that road no matter what due to the curse that direction holds. After coming to know all this information, I immediately resigned and moved out of the country. I just wish I had never gone to that place that night.