Choose it like a penguin

    mimo lorita
    0 Likes | 3 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Dear woman,Certainly, the appearance of a man is one of the main factors that you care about when choosing your life partner, the more handsome the man is, the more you like him, but handsomeness is not permanent and so is admiration. Today he is in your eyes similar to the most handsome man in the world, but after a while, you will find him an ordinary being, not much different from the rest of the men, that is if you are lucky, or worse than the men you have rejected before.

    So, what is the criterion on which you will base your choice?
    In my opinion, the measure is sincerity and the ability to take responsibility. His devotion to you is what will make him spend the rest of his life with you, and his ability to take responsibility is what makes him help you for the rest of your life. In other words, the scale is how similar it is to a penguin. Surely you are wondering what is the man's relationship with the penguin.

    I'll answer you, but let's take a look at the life of a male penguin. Penguins live most of their lives in the oceans and return to land during the mating season. When the penguin puts its feet on the beach, it begins to build the nest in preparation for the arrival of the female in the same place where mating took place for the first time and then waits until its partner returns.

    After mating occurs, the female lays two eggs, one of which is small and is usually abandoned, while the second, which is large is kept. The male penguin participates in the egg incubation period, which is divided into three periods: in the first period both partners incubate the egg, in the second period the female does so, and the male goes to the sea, while in the third period, the male takes care of the egg until the female returns from hunting at the time of hatching.

    The role of the male does not end there, as he takes care of the young and keeps them warm, while the female goes hunting for food. It is true that there are a few species of penguins that do not choose one partner or may mate with more than one partner, but macaroni is usually loyal to the partner they choose. Even when the male decides to choose another partner, this is due to a strong motive such as his partner not returning to the nest, which often means the fact that she dies. A question that may come to your mind, is how can the male identify his partner among all the individuals? The answer to this question is simple, which is that the male memorizes the voice of his partner, and therefore the female does not mix with another female.

    You will be surprised, my dear, that the male penguin also compliments his female and caresses her. When he sees her, he starts dancing with her, moving his wings and his head as an expression of his love. So, the penguin not only mates but also builds a nest for its partner and participates in taking care of the young and preparing food. It plays its role fully. Perhaps men should take lessons from it.
    Penguins are not the only ones who are loyal to a partner throughout their lives, there are other animals that choose one partner. One of the most famous of these animals is the pelican, which has been a symbol of love since ancient times, due to the poetic expression of the two partners towards each other.

    And now, my dear, after you know that love that lasts a lifetime is a reality experienced by beings other than a few people, all you have to do is make this love a reality that you also live, so when choosing a partner, do not make the man's appearance your priority and do not let him deceive you. Try to find a man who is loyal and responsible, a man who looks like a penguin.