In every person's life school seem to be best #platform for learning. In school #teachers help students in learning #subject matter. #Co curricular activities of school teaches students how to #carry one self in day to day life.
Some persons are good in #observations.They learn from their #surrounding. I know my friend,Raka -she used to get up early in #morning ,go for prayers to temple with #grandma. She will #pack her own lunch made by her mother and then she will come to school.
I was so lucky to get friend like her(Raka).After observing her #positive habits I also started getting up #early in morning.I started #helping mother in house hold. My parents were #surprised about positive change in me. I told them that this #social learning I got from my friend Raka.
I distinctly remember during exams one of my #class mate cheated in one of the #examination. For that #wrong doing my class mate was #punished by #principal of my school. Friends that was also #social learning for me. Whole class never got thought of #cheating in examination.
My sister used to write everything before #examination for revision of subject matter. I #observed that this method of #learning is better than just doing oral revision #learning. This fir mat of writing before examination became part of my #personality. I write my #diary every day. That help me doing #inspection of my day to day activities.
Moral-#Social learning is very helpful for students. It is best to take #students for exhibition and #museum visit to help them learn #positive things through #social learning.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK