I am science teacher in government school. Students some times have heated #arguments among themselves on burning issues. Sometimes to clear their concept like #self respect, #self discipline and #self confidence they will ask me little relevant questions pertaining to same.
My submissions were following
I said "self respect' as name suggest , to do some thing positive in life one should respect #one self. #Self care is pre requisite of #self respect. One should know one's weak and #strong qualities. What one likes from inside is indication of positive qualities.Outside #pressure can not yield person down who has #self respect.
#Self discipline is incorporating good qualities in one self by working out side one's comfort zone. #Self discipline comes from inside and not from outside. Self disciplined person work on oneself to get #desired results.
Self Respect+Self disciplin=Self confidence.
This algebraic equation described relationship between two important #personality traits. Person with #self confidence can do many hard things without pain and mental agitation. Person with self confidence can full fill and nurture his/her needs and excell in his/her passion.
Moral-to do #positive things in one's life one should work on building self confidence in one's personality.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK