When I was young I distinctly remember I
never used to #help mother in #house hold work.
I was always busy in my #academic and non academic
After I got #married I realized how much mothers
do a lot of hardwork for the #family - cooking
different types of #meals to satisfy everyone’s needs, #cleaning every thing big or
small .These are not easy things to do.
Mothers may not #accept that they sometime feel
that they are doing #thankless job,but they are
broken inside for #staying at home all
the time and #waiting for kids to come home
everyday. ( I know father's do lot of hard work) , but here
I wish to concentrate on things what I realized
after marriage. Cooking is a basic skill - it is not a man
or a woman #skill, I treat cooking as something
one does to #pamper one self.
.All this I realized after marriage.
I wish I had always been that way at home
before the marriage but #alas I was not.
If you happen to marry a right person and
you get #lucky with the situations -marriage
is #freedom.Parents won't be scared of
what you do anymore. But if luck is not in your
favour things after marriage can be #complicated.
. After marriage I realized home is where your
#husband lives. Everything that you lived before
Was #temporary.Before marriage I always wanted
to see my mother when ever I come home, like
I will be #shouting ,ma “ from the door itself
until I find her.
Now after marriage I search for #him(husband) .
After marriage priorities change in life. Marriages are very ₹₹hard to work on,
but the only way it works is when - “ Both of them wanted to make it work” .#Respect for
Each other is key. This also
I realized after #marriage.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK