When I was a small child I used to #day dream a lot. Some times I will #share my day #dreams with my sister. She was of opinion #day dreams will not let #daydreamer focus on goals of life.
Once at my aunt's house in #Gujrat I saw #raw dates. I noticed no body was able to #relish them as they are bit #bitter in taste. While walking in garden I had a day dream about #raw dates. It gave me #creative idea that since raw dates are #alkaline in nature and have less sugar #contents therefore sweets made from them will be #diabetic friendly.
I went to kitchen and mixed milk with small pieces of #raw dates and also mixed some #dry fruits and boiled milk mixture till it #thickened and with help of coconut powder I made sweet laddoo. Everyone relished sweet. I said"aunty this sweet is #diabetic friendly as sweet #content is less and #organic in nature.
Every one was surprised that how I got #idea of such good #recipe. I said"all this is because of my day dreaming. "
Moral- Day dreaming makes one very #creative and #productive.