Eclipse relationships

    Sukarma Thareja
    0 Likes | 9 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    I am science teacher in government school. In my #extra curricular class I asked my students "What do you understand by #developed/developing the nation"

    Students came out with many interesting #answers. One student said"developed nation has good #economy, #average income per resident is reasonably good. "Other student said" madam #infrastructure in developed nation is run by #advanced technology . Robots do many work in factories . "

    I said "dear students today I am going to talk to you about other dimension of developing/developed nation. #India is not considered developed nation because there is vast income #inequality among citizens of our country. More over there is lack of #educational opportunities for citizens. "

    I further said "students in India there is growing trend persons are migrating from village to #urban areas. 

    There is lack of employment opportunities among qualified citizens therefore in family unit , #husband and wife are not able to find job in #same cities. This arrangement is making #split in families. Children of these families grow up with #different value system. Due to same reason children of one family are #residing too far away from their #parents. Due to this arrangements there is feeling of insecurity  among citizens. 

    All above mentioned questions make one to think what do we mean by developing/developed nation. 

    How to find work life balance in developing/developed nation is big question.Satisfactory answer to this question we still have to find out.

    Sukarma Thareja

    Alumnus IITK
