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The Silent Pathway

    Sudarshan Kumaresan
    0 Likes | 43 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Hush! Can you hear that voice ?

    The voice of silence scattered all around.

    Indeed, it cannot be considered as an unwelcomed noise,

    simply leaping to and fro, frowning faces 

    at it's every bound.

    The pathway is so quiet, as calm as a dove

    creating a sense of fear

    at every nook and corner,

    making each soul get thrushed into it's darkness

    just like the demon's shove.

    Even the trees there, appear as Titans and 

    the Titans as the colossal trees,

    holding the breath, we travelled along the silent pathway, 

    following the ghostly breeze.

    There was a wall-clock hung, with no time in it,

    after a long walk away, we decided

    to nap for a bit.

    We supposed to take a long break, and

    rushed towards the Valhalla Gate,

    keeping our loved ones at hault fretfully, 

    we turned out to be quite late.

    The journey never ends at the silent pathway,

    where darkness is spread all over, and 

    there is no sign of light and day.

    After a long pace, out of the anonymous gate

    I hesitated, turned back and gazed,

    and what did I see, left me quite amazed.

    The sun was still shining bright 

    with it's refreshing morning light.

    And the time was as usual,

    the time when we left,

    which was more or less than never late,

    I shall never forget that memory of mine

    that journey, which made me travel through the mysterious silent pathway.