1. STOP FOCUSING ON YOUR FAILURES: You can find many articles on the internet highlighting the importance of being in the present moment, but I can assure you that contemplating the past and taking some lessons is not going to hurt you. But the issue here is that many people get so engrossed with their past "failures" that they lose touch with reality. Future and past are two wings of the present; cling to one and you will crash.
2. CREATE PASSAGE INSIDE YOU TO EASILY CONNECT WITH GOD: Remembering God in one's tough times is a common phenomenon, but many of us forget to thank God in our good times. One can keep God in his heart and continue with his regular daily activities, but it requires some practice. This is where meditation or prayer comes into play. The more you remember god the more easily you connect with Him and believe me, a pure connection with Him will solve many of your problems.
3. BE OPEN TO ALL KINDS OF INPUT FROM PEOPLE: Listen to everyone, but do as you please. Being open all the time is a tough task, but when you do as you please, you get rid of stupid people in your life. Less stupid people means less unnecessary time waste.
4. HAVING PREJUDICE AND GETTING RID OF IT AT THE RIGHT TIME: Having prejudice about something or someone is not a bad thing, as it gives you clarity and confidence moving forward, but problems arise when one fails to get rid of it at the proper time. Change is the law of the universe, and so is the case with our society, but please don't have negative prejudice about having prejudice.
5. Tackle taboo subjects the right way: We should bring the light of scientific advancement while dealing with social taboos and spiritual advancement while dealing with our own mental taboos.