Alzheimers Disease


12th September 2024 | 55 Views | 0 Likes

Disclaimer from Creator: Alzheimer's disease is widespread disease all over the world having affected to major population over 60. As per the current reports, most people are affected due to sedentary lifestyle and eating habits affecting their cognitive impairment and brain damage. Medication is necessary and change in lifestyle might reverse mild Alzheimer disease.

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   Alzhiemer is a common term used in case of the brain disease over the 65 of age this common disease is found in every one of 10 persons in the world. We now know the exact cause of the Alzheimer ranging from the  starting progression of disease in the brain till the death having including the brain shrinkage of the gray matter and volume in the final stage. 

    In the Alzheimer main components are responsible for the progression of the disease such as  amyloid beta and tau proteins.  In case of Amyloid Beta they together form a sticky substance which binds together to form a plaque in the Brain Plaques Beta-amyloid is a protein fragment. These pieces appear to be toxic to neurons and impede cell-to-cell transmission when clumped together.
 In neuron tubules, tangles and tau proteins both occur together. According to the tau hypothesis, abnormalities in the tau protein are a sign of impending disease. As the microtubules in the cell cytoskeleton break down, the photoreceptor transport system disintegrates and the cell is destroyed.
By merely harming the nerve cells and the damaged neurons, this inturn creates different tangles and plaques to obstruct the transmission between the neurons’ synapses. Tubular structures that prohibit some substances from functioning as memory-enhancing compounds.
   This disease normally found over the age of 65 adults and its common in stage but nowadays we have found the cases near the 30 age group and below. 

     First of all the initial stages of the case arises in the memory impairment in adults or adolescence by,  having memory skips in the daily routine work. Having this progression is also a case of  starting dementia. At further stage brain memory impairment starts in such a manner it progress as medication is only available to slow the progression but cannot be stopped totally. 
   In this scenario the healthy brain has a neurones in app having the neurotransmitters communicate with each other with each and every branches in the brain due to this formation of the plates and binding tangles through top proteins the communication between the neurotransmitter between the synapse will be stopped. 

  Microglia, which defends brain neurones, also consumes plaques, but this action also promotes the hazardous production of cytokin Storm, which in turn causes harm to the neurones’ branches.
  In the final stages of the brain the hippocampus area of the brain starts shrinking over all the brain in the case of Grey volume also shrings to a stage that finally the progression of the stage it’s towards the  final death. 
   So many symptoms can shown in the case of final stages such as the memory impairment, no routine work can be done by him or her, no communication between the social groups can also be  performed in the day to day basis. 
  symptoms of Alzheimer 
In initial stages the forgetfulness is a first symptom can be look out in the case of Alzheimer such as losing the items such as keys and glasses around the house. 

   Sometimes you cannot memorize the current conversation and you can also forget the names of your friends. Memory impairment is causing sometimes a nausea vomiting headaches in the brain regions which perform the tasks of cognitive thinking. 

   In further stages you are unable to perform the task by cooking your mail morning quotes routine or daily work it can be a hard to perform such as stocks on the daily basis and sometimes you can tired anyone feel the fatigueness for the whole day. 
Depression might be a cause of the pathway to Alzheimer during the depression in the case of major illness Azam are can strikes in the form of illness in case you can feel dizziness fatigue and memory impairment not in the case of depression all name this can be a genetic factor and the main factor is 8 related over 65.
Dis-orientation and confusion can also strike with this stages having the forgetfulness increased to the rate which you have done the task initially few minutes ago cannot be remembered also. Due to this your memory impairment will be higher and you can be also likely to withdraw from the social and communication with the people. 

You can lost ability to think for a future plans and activities to be carried out in your routine work this may lead you are dissocializing against the people or met 10 to think negatively you are not able to face the challenges in your life and you disheartened by failures and losing hope and enjoying the moments in your life. 
  In medical terms if we going to say that other letter stage or the highest stage of Alzheimer‘s orkers by having the brain grey matter and volume is shrinking to the extend can be a life threatening and in the new terms we can see you can face even the death,

shishir prasad



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