How to enhance biological clock?

    anu dodwani
    0 Likes | 73 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Today,  the world is much equipped with technology and automation, where everyone is so dependent on mobile phones and smartwatches, and we even cannot imagine a single minute without these systems. 

    Someone ever thought that the human body is so smart that it has its biological clock designed as per each body organ and also describes the best timing and coordination? 
    The power of artificial intelligence is so much appreciated but moreover,  it also creates lots of disturbances. Our own human body has given us so much intelligence that it feels like somewhere we are even not in need of so much automation. 
    Human being and animals' body follows circadian rhythm in simple words we can say 
    Circadian-  Proximate
    Rhythm -    Repeated Patterns. 
    Circadian Rhythm is the best scheduling of all the body organs according to timing and hormone secretion. 

    If we become aware of the best time-suited according to body organs our body performance will be more enhanced. 
    For eg. Complex mindful activities should be done by matching the timing of the brain it will be more effective at that time. All these little changes can be implemented according to the biological clock and better results must be visible. 
    Try to synchronize with the scheduling of the body and before that, we must understand its schedule because the human body is so very updated and intelligent system that has created artificial intelligence but needs to work according to the body's intelligence.