One day in my dream while doing my routine walk I met very important #molecule on my way.After exchange of greetings, molecule containing two Hydrogen and one oxygen atom started talking to me.He told me"madam mostly I am available in #liquid form. I have an #trick for you.One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your health is to #drink more of me. I am essential for your body and mind, and I can give you many #benefits that you may not be aware of."
-" I can help you stay hydrated and #energized. My depletion in body can cause#fatigue, #headaches, mood swings, and even affect your #cognitive performance. Drinking enough of me can prevent these symptoms and keep you #alert and focused throughout the day."
"I help you flush out #toxins and waste from your body. I am involved in many processes that regulate your metabolism, digestion, circulation, and immunity. Drinking more of can help your body get rid of harmful substances and maintain a healthy balance."
"I help you improve your skin and hair quality. I am vital for keeping your skin and hair hydrated and nourished. Drinking more of me can help you prevent dryness, dullness, and breakage, and give you a radiant and youthful appearance."
"I help you control your #appetite and weight. I can make you feel full and reduce your cravings for unhealthy snacks and drinks. Drinking more of me can also boost your #metabolism and help you burn more calories."
"As you can see,madam drinking more of me is one of the best life lessons you can learn about health. Its simple, cheap, and effective, and it can make a huge difference in your #well-being."
I very humbly asked him gentleman may I know your name please.
Yes madam you can not miss me. I am your favourite liquid WATER.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK