
The sacred revenge chapter 1

    Samuel Naomi
    0 Likes | 20 Views | Sep 12, 2024

      Jasmine was scribbling on her notes. Nothing in particular, just another boring Day at school which totally sucks.she looked at the rest of the class.A group of girls were gathered around a table listening to a fashion review from the most popular girl in the class. The boys were arguing over a football match they watched yesterday. While another group of girls were applying nail varnish on their fingernails. She was the odd one obviously, no seat partner, no friends. She could talk to herself All Day no one paid attention to her after All.

     The history teacher walked into the class and everyone dispersed to their seats respectively. Then the class began, it was going smoothly. Then suddenly the classroom became silent like a graveyard. Nadia looked around and she was the only human in the classroom. Her classmates have been replaced by ghosts. The history teacher was still writing on the board. Jasmine was tensed.

    " Mrs Longman" Jasmine called. She stopped writing on the board and turned her face and Jasmine screamed. her history teacher also had the face of a ghost.

    " Jasmine  were you saying something?" Mrs. Longman said and was advancing towards jasmine with a Big grin on her face. jasmine quickly grabbed her water bottle in a haste and poured the content on the ghost and everything disappeared and she was back to her class setting. Her classmates were back only that they were giving her a death glare. She looked up and Saw Mrs. Longman staring at her with an angry look with water All over her face.

    " Not again" jasmine said and placed her head on the desk.

    " This class is over" Mrs. Longman said as she stormed out of the class angrily.

    " Psycho"


    " Mentally deranged" was the side comments Jasmine received from her classmates.

       The Bell For closing Period rang and everyone was rushing out of the class. Jasmine was always the last to leave the class. She got outside and was walking alone as usual. The rest of the students were happily hopping into the bus. Only jasmine couldn't take the bus.she stopped taking the Bus when she Saw the driver In a ghost form. She poured water on Him and they almost had an accident. The conductress  kicked her out of the Bus and banned her from entering. Since then she stopped following the bus And had to walk home on a lonely path.

    Meet George Jasmine an eighteen years old British orphan who lives with her aged grandmother. Jasmine is  in her final year in high school.  Jasmine is a gorgeous girl with a slender figure and pleasing facial appearance like  deep black eyes, sharp cute nose, defined lips, long neck, clear skin with Long jet black hair.well, jasmine life wasn't as weird in the beginning. Infact she was once the most popular girl in highschool. Everyone had a crush on jasmine. She had a lot of friends and everyone adored her until she turned fourteen and mysteriously started seeing ghosts and strange things. At first jasmine thought she was hallucinating until it grew worse because she sees them all the time. But she discovered that anytime she saw a ghost, immediately she splash water on them, They disappeared.Her friends started withdrawing from her till everyone left. Then she became alone and had no One not even a single friend.

    She opened the door to the house and met her grandma watching TV.

    " Hello granny" jasmine said as she stepped in a cheerful voice

    " Granny how was your day" jasmine asked

    " It was boring without you my angel" her granny said.

    " I love you grandma. I'm starving am going to have some food" Jasmine said and pecked her grandma on her cheeks 

    Jasmine truly loved her grandma wholeheartedly. Her parents died in a car crush when she was seven and her parents died In a car crash when she was seven and her grandma has singlehandedly raised her. The most fascinating  thing about Jasmine seeing ghosts is that she has never seen her Grandma In a ghost form before. She saw other people in ghost form but her Grandma was an exception. Maybe because she and her grandma shared a very strong bond.


    Xavier looked at the mice and laughed hysterically at how the mice battled for it's life as he tightened his grip on its neck. After few minutes of struggling the mice gave up which indicated it was dead and Xavier clicked his hands and it brought out fire and he placed it on the mice. It burnt to ashes and was vanished." 

    " Am I a wicked demon" Xavier asked himself and laughed.

    " Of course you are" someone answered . Xavier turned his head and saw that it was his assistant demon Damien who obviously teleported into his chambers

    " Why are you here, speak now" Xavier commanded

    " The devil wants to see you" Damien replied 

    " Ohh I see you May go I'll be there" Xavier said

    The devil as you all know is the ruler of the most dreadful place to be "HELL". Xavier is the only child of the devil and he's the most feared demon in hell. I know you must be thinking demons are very ugly creatures. Xavier is the Greek god Zeus. 193cm tall with model like body his unfathomable green eyes  contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face, His eyes were deep and expressive that you could get Lost in it if you stare too much, his smile very attractive but dangerous and Long hair which touches his neck.he had female demons swooning around him but he was just a cold hearted demon who had no interest in women. He has lived over five hundred years in human world he will be probably in his twenties because of how extremely Young he looked. He was the definition of young, sexy, ruthless, and dangerous

    " I wonder what father wants This time around" Xavier said and teleported to his father Chambers.

    "You're here" his father the devil said from his magnificent throne with fire over it.

    " Yes I'm here dad" Xavier said on his kneels in front of his father. That's a custom no one can ever avoid in hell. Anytime you find yourself in the devil's presence you must be on your kneels till you leave his presence unless you will vanish forever.

    The devil stretched his hands on wine glass filled with blood appeared.

    " Do you want some son?"The devil asked 

    " No dad am fine. I had some earlier" Xavier said 

    " You remind me so much of your mum. You have human eyes" The devil said as he sipped some blood.

    " I never met mom so I don't know how she looked like.". Xavier said

    Xavier never knew his mum. He only heard from his uncle that his mum was human and his Dad fell in love with a human. And his grandfather was against it. In hell the rule was that if a demon fall in love with a human, is either the demon become human or the woman become demon. Xavier grandfather never allowed his father  to become human Because he was the next devil to rule hell, so his mother had to sacrifice for their love and decided to become a demon. Unfortunately, she was already pregnant. It was risky to perform the demonic rituals while being pregnant but his mum was ready to take the bull by the horn. 

    During the preparation for the rituals she went into labour, she had complications and Xavier father did all he could to save her but but he was not powerful enough for that. It was only his grandfather that could do so because he was the devil Then. his grandfather vehemently refused saying he would never save any human so his mother died while he survived. According to his uncle, his father never forgave his grandfather till now even though his grandfather vanished to the ancestor's world where all the previous demons live.  Xavier became the Apple of everyone's eyes especially his father and his uncle. 

    " I'll be going to the ancestor's world soon.  At least I have ruled for 3,000 years. So you will have to start the preparation to become the next devil which means you won't be a demon anymore" the devil said.

    " So soon dad?" Xavier asked 

    " Yes I have been longing to go to the ancestor's world. I want to make peace with my father. You can always come to visit me there when I'm gone" The devil said 

    " So dad how do I go about this. I means how do Become a devil?" Xavier asked

    " It's tricky my son. According to the customs and traditions hell,  you will have to go to earth the human world and meet a particular kind of girl or lady that's is different from other humans maybe a strange lady. She will have to perform the rituals wearing the sacred cloth. Once it's concluded I'll vanish to the ancestor's world and you will Become the new devil. But there are things you should know. After you become the devil. You must avoid the lady that performed the rituals. If you two come in contact. The family heirloom will be transferred to her and it means destruction. She's the only one that can remove it when it's transferred. No one else not even me. If you come in contact with such lady, and the family heirloom is transferred to her. You both will share the same emotions. You will always feel whatever she's feeling. If she's In pain you will Also be, if she's happy you will be happy too. No power can stop that" the devil said 

    " Dad I'll think about it. Can I go now?" Xavier asked his father

    " Yes you can son" the devil replied and Xavier stood up, bowed his head and teleported out of his father's chambers.

