Window To Nature’s Embrace

    Om Pathak
    1 Likes | 1 Views | Sep 13, 2024471207 | 6051

    I gaze out of

    The dusty, tint-less window

    And mused in space

    While the shadows talked

    Then, I see

    A school of leaves, playing

    Quivering with the wind

    On a cloudy cover

    Oh! The lovely scent

    Of the nameless, yellow bloom

    The dancing colors of it

    Filled my hearts cup

    The shadows, still chattering

    With utter nonsense

    The senseless minds of them

    Filled with fear of the future

    Beholding of the unknown

    I want to escape

    This colorless walls

    Masking my freedom

    From them

    Only the nature understands me

    Like leaves talk to me while dancing

    Like the sun shines it’s rays on my palm

    Like the wind splashes me with a gush of hope

    At the end of the day

    I embrace the nature

    Yet without grasping it

    As there is a window between us
