This creation gives a tacit description of healing power of The Moon . The soothing light of moon carries the healing power, all we have to do is trust him. It is said that basking & meditating in the moon lights strengthens our psychic condition and helps us gain control over our emotions.
I wrote this when I finally found solace in the moon for all the struggles I have struggling through , for all the worries that have been worrying me , for all the sadness saddening me … .. . But now I have found my peace.
Far away from me
Stays my friend,
Has a darker side
Which grows & shrinks with a trend,
But all I see is the brighter side
That has a peaceful shine to mend,
The light brings the magic
To the souls that are abandoned,
It Has nothing to share
But a lot to offer
It Has nothing to tell
But a lot to heal,
All it does is steal the deal
And let the soul heal.
It is nothing but Magic for Soul.
Thankyou for reading this.
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