How To Get Google Adsense Approval In 48 Hours (100% Working)

How to get Google AdSense Approval in 48 Hours (100% Working)

    1 Likes | 461 Views | Jan 12, 2025

    I Applied for AdSense twice and got Approved within 48hrs. You can do it too. You'll learn how to get Google AdSense Approval in 48hours.

    AdSense is Google's Advertising Platform, and one of the best ways to monetize your content, this holds for all sites.

    I had got Google AdSense Approval on my 2 sites, both of which at the time of applying were less than 1 month old, and I had got approval for both in 48hrs. In fact 36hrs.

    How did you do That?

    Well, I will teach you some important tips and tricks to get AdSense Approval in 48 hours, I will clear some myths and rumors about AdSense, and answer common questions, along with giving you my recipe for AdSense.

    So first of all let's discuss common questions about Getting Google AdSense Approval.

    What is the Minimum Traffic for AdSense Approval on Websites?

    Google doesn't have a defined minimum traffic for AdSense Approval. Traffic patterns are important, Google can reject a site with 1k daily views, and accept a site with 20 daily views.

    YouTube's AdSense approval has much more strict rules in terms of traffic. That's why people wonder what is the minimum traffic for AdSense Approval? However, as far as Websites AdSense are concerned, there are no strict rules, but more of judgement of Google's employees, about whether your site is deserving or not 

    It's up to Google to Approve or Disapprove your site, I will take you through a deep dive over how I got my site's Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours, but for now, you should know that Google is a bit secretive about providing this information.

    Some facts such as the need for SSL Secure Site, and good performance and responsive site, but none of that is officially mentioned.

    So there is no minimum traffic for AdSense Approval needed, however more traffic is always beneficial.

    My 18-day old Site had less than 200 weekly visitors, yet we got approved, everyone isn't that lucky, so I shall recommend you to have at least 50-60 Daily views.

    How much Time Required For AdSense Approval

    Most of the newcomers when applying for AdSense have the question, "how much time is required for AdSense Approval"

    For a start-up, it's important to start earning quickly. Google Claims examines all requirements within a week.

    However, if that was true, would I be writing this? and would you read this if it was true?

    Google can take a lot of time in the approval process, sometimes even months, with no update, leading to frustration for website approvals.

    I got my 2 sites approved quickly, the first time 34hrs, 2nd the time 37hrs. My domain was less than 20 days old, at the time of sending the request. I will explain, How to Get Google AdSense Approval in 48 Hours

    Can I add AdSense to my free WordPress blog?

    No, you cannot add AdSense to your Free Blog, regardless of it being WordPress or some other blog. For AdSense approval, you are supposed to add a script to your site header which allows Google to examine your site.

    Most Free Blogs do not allow you to access the header or DNS. So, you can't apply for AdSense for Free Blog.

    If you can somehow add code to the site's header and you have the due permission, then you might be able to get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours.

    You need to have your site, where you can access the header. If you can somehow have control over the Header and site's core functionality then you can implement this easily. However, most of the free blogging platforms will not allow you to do it.

    Also if you want to run AdSense on WordPress, I made an entire guide for adding AdSense to WordPress that helps you maximise profits of AdSense on WordPress by using various techniques for automated ad placements and optimization.

    Can I use Adsense if I am under 18

    Nope, again Google's policies require you to be at least 18 years old, with valid tax information to be able to apply for AdSense. You might even succeed in initially starting AdSense, but AdSense conducts an Address/document verification in which you will fail.

    AdSense requires you to submit your taxation information and bank details along with other identity proofs, you might use your parents or elder siblings' account if need be.

    AdSense was not Approved | How to Reapply for AdSense

    Even with a perfect site AdSense might still reject you. Sometimes it can be an error on their end that caused them to misjudge your site.

    But as a general rule, you showed to significantly change your site before reapplying. You should try to bring changes to your site.

    One of the best things you can do is change the color scheme and/or design of your site. If you are using WordPress try changing themes.

    Besides that, there are many other ways to increase the chances of Google AdSense approval, and get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours, which I will discuss in the next section.

    Remove popups and anything that obstructs view for users, make your site responsive (if it's not responsive already), improve site speed if possible, and rewrite the content of existing posts. Home Page is also very important, it should be valuable and not sound like a marketing shade.

    How to get Google AdSense Approval in 48 Hours

    Now let's begin with the secrets to how I got my Site's Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours.

    First of all, I was using WordPress, so many terminologies like Blogs would be referred to as "Posts".

    I have tried to generalize the steps for all people. Though, if you still face any doubt you can talk to me in the comment section below.

    There are many major things that you need to care about to improve chances of AdSense Approval and get it done Quickly

    the AdSense Approval Requirements can be divided as:

    1. Site Specific
    2. Design Specific
    3. Content-Specific

    Site-Specific changes to improve Google AdSense Approval chances

    These changes are one of the most important ones. Google understands that majority of sites applying would be new and would not be having a huge history of content. 

    But even a New Site can be close to big professional news/blogging sites.

    Google is a bit secretive about AdSense Approval Requirments, yet we know that Google wants your site to be fast, reliable, and secure.

    So it's better to be meeting all the AdSense Approval Requirements

    If you are using WordPress, you should use a theme from a reliable developer. I usually use themes from Themeisle, however, that's up to you.

    But in general, your WordPress theme should be from a reliable developer, that frequently updates his themes, and is performance-oriented

    SSL and Performance

    I mean we are living in 2021, is that even a question.

    Regardless of you using Ads or not, your site should have SSL.

    A secure site is really useful to get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours.

    If you have access to the DNS of your domain, then the easiest way would be to directly connect your domain to Cloudflare and you have got yourself a Fast and Secure site.

    Even if you get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours, your revenue can be lower than a competitor with SSL, your Cost Per Click would be less, and you will also receive less traffic as you would rank lower in Google Search.

    Sitemaps and GSC

    Sitemaps are very very very important in my opinion. Sitemaps are an index of URLs in your site, that you want search engines to discover.

    Google will trust a site that is already ranking well on Search Engines.

    Doesn't matter if you "JUST" rank on your Domain name, it's still better than being non-existent on Search Engines.

    Submitting your site to Google Search Console can get your site ranked if your site name isn't a popular keyword.

    Most of the time people are scared to have their Application for Google AdSense Rejected.

    That's why they are scared to apply for AdSense. That was true with every newcomer.

    Here comes my next Google AdSense Approval Trick, get your site ranked on Google.

    Even though ranking on Google and getting AdSense approved are 2 different things, but the core concept remains the same, Google wants it to be a good site. 

    A site that ranks on Google, means it ticks all the basic needs and Google AdSense Approval Requirments, most of these requirements like Speed, Security, Accessibility would be more or less the same for AdSense too.

    Therefore your site starts ranking, there are high chances for you to get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours.

    My Google AdSense Approval Trick can be simply put as a site that is visible on Google Search is proof of it being good enough for people to see, therefore it checks all the boxes of necessary Google AdSense Approval requirements as a site.

    Avoid excessive Advertisements from other networks

    At the end of the day, you want your site to be earning money, so you might use multiple Affiliate Networks and Advertisement Providers.

    Google's policies allow having other advertisers. But Ads traditionally have always been considered harmful for UX, and slowing down sites.

    If your site already is having too many ads, it's better to improve it.

    The rule of thumb for me has been that users should never see more than 1 ad on their screen at a time. So, place ads such that the user has to scroll some distance to be able to see the next advertisement. 

    Privacy Policy and About Us Pages

    This is one of my favorite Google AdSense Approval Tricks to meet all the Google AdSense Approval Requirments.

    Most people won't trust new sites easily.

    That's why Google wants you to make your site trustworthy. That's where my favorite Google AdSense Approval Trick comes into play.

    It's super important to have a Privacy Policy and an About Us page.

    Privacy Policy is easy to generate with many online free services to generate privacy policy.

    Besides that, the About Us, page is underrated in all the Google AdSense Approval Tricks.

    Design Specific Changes to Get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours

    Getting Google AdSense approval requires some design changes too.

    A lot depends upon site design, things like Responsive Design are necessary.

    You should follow most of the best practices, accessibility features that Google suggests you do in Google Lighthouse.

    You can put your different post URL at Lighthouse Measure and test. Improve wherever possible.

    Proper contrast and readability are very important too.

    Responsive Design

    Today majority of sites are responsive, yet people still don't understand the value of having a responsive design.

    For those of you who live under a rock, Responsive Design means having UI that scales according to screen size, and therefore makes the text larger for phones.

    Modern CMSes have Responsive Design built-in, however, it's still very crucial that I considered it important to inform you.


    Navigation is an important factor, every page of your site should be interlinked. Your site should not be like cluttered islands, it should be well connected.

    Every page of your site should have links to the home page, and also have links to common pages. This can include your blogs page, Privacy Policy, and many more.

    Usually, sites include that in the header or footer, but still, if you don't have it, you should do it.

    Also, you should interlink your posts. Besides AdSense I do SEO too, I recommend Websites to have 1-2 links of other posts in each of your posts so that you can increase user retention.

    However, for new sites, I recommend you to be having 3-4 links of other posts in the content of each post so that Google can easily discover your content. We want Google to crawl each of your URLs multiple times so that it can properly evaluate it.


    Popups are a big no-no in Google AdSense Approval Requirments

    This is another Google AdSense Approval trick. Most of the new sites use popups and banners to build email lists and generate regular traffic.

    But this can make it impossible for you to get Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours.

    I was working on a website rejected twice from AdSense, and I simply removed all popups, and boom the site got approved the third time. 

    Popups are really bad.

    The logic is simple, Popups obstruct the view for the user, and are an unexpected change. This hampers user experience, and can further harm revenue if Ads were there on that page, hence better to avoid Ads.

    I have observed that Google rarely checks a site once it is approved.

    So my Google AdSense Approval trick is to remove popups till your AdSense is approved, then restart the popups say 1 week after you start earning from AdSense.

    Content-Specific Changes to Improve Chances of AdSense Approval

    Content is the most neglected and the most important factor to get Google AdSense Approved in 48hours.

    Quality >> Quantity

    I suggest having at least 10 posts and the more posts the better it is. However Quality is more important than Quantity.

    10 great posts are better than 30-40 average posts.

    I suggest you write these posts over content where it is easy to advertise. Google looks at your content and thinks something like, "Will our Advertising companies like to put an ad on this page?"

    Things which are often seen being marketed are helpful.

    I was working on a new site, that reviewed services, 6 of their 10 posts were, about different types of oil to prevent hair fall for old age people.

    Google would have visited that site, and thought "Oh, they are targeted old age people and talking about old age hair oil, we don't have many advertisers, viewers who would like this type of content, let's reject this site"

    When I had to work for a site that reviewed services, I wrote 10 blog posts about reviews related to Travel. This included Hotel Reviews, Travel itineraries, etc.

    The travel industry relies a lot on advertisements, Google must have thought "Oh this site has a lot of travel-related posts, and we have a lot of Advertisers who want to put travel-related advertisers, let's approve this site"

    Companies like MakeMyTrip,, many airlines, many hotel chains, all would love to advertise, therefore we were easily approved.

    Consistency and Quality

    One of the keys to getting Google AdSense Approval in 48 hours is having Consistency.

    If you publish 5 posts in a week and 5 more in the next 2 months, then you are harming yourself.

    Google AdSense Approval Requirments include the need for you to be consistent

    They want you to be consistent so that you can build trust, and Google can trust you to keep making more content after being approved.

    I follow this very well. If you are using WordPress or any other good CMS, you will be easily able to schedule posts to publish at a particular time

    This means even if I have 5 posts ready to be published, I would have them published at a very regular interval, like after every 3 days to have consistency.

    Word Count

    Google looks for valuable content. 

    These posts if written well, with great grammar, spellings, formatting, headings, lists, images and content can be really helpful.

    Each Post having around 1500 word count would be better. It's always better to be higher than 1500 words if need be, rather than being less than 1500 words.

    There is no hard rule asking for 1500 words, most of my posts are well above 2000 words. However, 1500 words are considered the sweet spot between a most being long enough to be informative, and short enough to not get boring.

    Avoid Plagiarism, Copyrights, and Duplicate Content

    Copying someone else's content to present it as your content is never a good idea, it will hurt your Google SEO rankings, and also cost you a Disapproved AdSense Account.

    Original Content is important.

    Of course, you can get inspired from other sources, but that doesn't mean you copy their content.

    Advertisers avoid sites that break the law. Violating Copyrights is a breaking of the law, if your site is violating any important Intellectual Property, like trying to give pirated movies, or cracked versions of paid software, you will land into trouble.

    Content is directly taken from another site reused with slight changes, and modifications can be easily caught.

    Having a major portion of original content is important, or if the information over your topic is scant, at least take inspiration from multiple sites, so that your blog is not similar to another blog. Essentially your content should be unique.


    Google #AdSense is fairly easy and simple to apply for.

    The tougher part is getting approved, and more importantly getting approved quickly.

    I have made my recipe and checklist of steps to minimize the risk of AdSense not being approved, and further help you get Google AdSense approved in 48hrs.

    I have got Google AdSense Approval for new sites in 48hrs easily, you can too.

    The trick here is to have a trustworthy site.

    How to get AdSense Approved Quickly? Well, all you need is a site with great original content, no spam/marketing, bundled with well-designed UI, Security/Performance features, well-written Privacy Policies, and an About Us page.

    Along with that avoiding popups and ensuring proper usability + accessibility settings will be the recipe to crack AdSense and get your Google AdSense Approved in 48hrs.