"Imagine for a moment the ground, a foundation for a house, and the house itself. The ground will represent the collective unconscious. The foundation will represent one's subconscious mind and the house will represent our conscious mind. The ground is all around, everywhere, but we will come back to this in a moment. The foundation of our imaginary house can only be strengthened by learning, experiencing, and growing. Our house can be perfect. I forgot to mention there is another thing to talk about. You are also there, and you represent your ego. You understand the ground is subject to experience natural events, and because your foundation is nonexistent, that would in turn mean that your house is subject to topple over. You possess the incredible ability to suspend something in the air and to pause time for that thing. So, you abandon the ground and the foundation, and begin to suspend your perfect house into the air, pausing time, freezing it in stasis. It is important to note that you nor the ground nor the foundation is frozen with it. You stand there for an endless amount of time, trying to uphold this perfect moment of a house, forever. All the while, you are being trampled by natural forces, and your foundation being whittled away by the elements.
You yell out to the universe and say, "Why is this happening to me? Why are all these bad things happening to me?"
To which the universe replies, "You have no one to blame but yourself."
As time goes on, just like holding a cup of water for hours on end, the suspended house becomes heavier and harder to maintain frozen. You become extremely exhausted but as you look around and see that the land and foundation around you has become barren or reduced to nothing, you realize that you will have nothing if you were to drop the house. One day, you will drop the house, whether you want to or not. On that day, you will have nothing. You will wander away from the destruction of what once was, and go to others to find comfort. They will all push you away, as they are upholding their own perfect moment in time. They are too exhausted to comfort you. Instead, they will likely snap back and make you feel bad for interrupting their perfect house. Nearly every person is outside of their suspended house and holding it up.
Soon, you approach a house that isn't being suspended nor is the person outside. You run up to the door of the house and the person was inside the house the whole time!
"Excuse me, but why aren't you holding your house in the air?"
"Just because you have the power, doesn't mean you should use it."
The person explains that the ground will always be there and will most definitely exert some sort of pressure onto the house and yourself. They explain that the foundation acts like a conduit, exchanging or transforming the energy from the ground and reducing the effects of it as it passes through to the house. Their house is not perfect, but it is alive, there is someone living inside of it.
"It is a matter of maintenance rather than freezing time, to create perfection within the eyes of the beholder.""