Party is being organised at Khanna Club. Theme of discussion at party is house/home.
Ms Jyoti-Hello friends It is pouring heavily out side, I am pleased to see members of our club have come in time. Theme of our discussion at party today is House/Home. As we don’t have much time in hand and each member of our club has some or other commitment to meet. Therefore I request every respectable member to speak about their view enlightening the theme. I request Ms Gita to summarise the contents of all members of club and conclude about theme and if possible give her own opinion about theme.
Ms Joshi-I live in very big traditional type of bungalow. I have two care takers, due to ongoing pandemic they take all precautions like social distance to organise neatly my balconies, rooms and garages. Some time I feel life is still very messy in this house. I wish to request other members of the club to give me some valuable tips to make my house to home .
Ms Gracy-I live in duplex house. We have lovely terrace where we have planted many lovely seasonal plants. It is difficult to go up and down very often. So we have to plan our activities with respect to the constraint. In spite of all my positive efforts and precautions taken like maintaing social distance ,wearing mask etc, due to pandemic some time life seem to be messy in my duplex house . Valuable comments and tips from respected members will mean so much for me.
Ms Sita-I live in 3 bed room flat in big posh society , where there is big swimming pool also. A beautiful garden in centre of society and neat walking path for every member to walk is a big facility for us. There is no security problem .Due to ongoing pandemic I take all precautions yet I some time feel suffocated in my flat. Valuable suggestions from respected members to make my house to home are blessings for me.
Ms Shabana- I live near river front over a small hill. My house is moderately big. Scene from my house window is treat to eyes. There is power cut of electricity some time. In rainy season some time river overflow sometime feeling of uncertainty remains with us for hour or two in house. There is NO problem of availability of drinking water also. We solve all problems from time to time in pandemic yet the house becomes messy. Friends I request you to kindly give me some suggestions to make my house to home .
Ms Gita-Friends I have been asked to conclude the discussion, by respected Ms Joshi. Friends I live in very ordinary house which is in outer skirts of city. I have little garden which is being taken care by myself and members of my family as and when we get time. As I am writer-poetess I am not able to fetch big salary. I take help from house keeper once a week only. In ongoing pandemic I have been enjoying my life by writing. I feel twice happy when my poem is published in magazine or website
I appreciate all the positive aspects and problem faced in every house by every member of our club in their respective houses in ongoing pandemic. It is also a fact that no house can be perfect. What I am going to say today is no recipe to prescribe dos and donts for any house. Members of my esteem club may not agree with my opinion. My humble experience of decades as poetess, my views about house in ongoing pendemic is something different from my other club members expressed today. I very humbly want to submit that no matter how well organised are rooms balconies varandas are in ones house, life is good at house in ongoing pandemic when it gets converted to home. In my opinion this is possible only when things are sorted in mind(where we keep things messy) of every member residing in particular house. Many times I have experienced that if any member of particular house keep feelings Like regret ,expectation, secrets, worries comparisons, jealousy, complexes in their mind and heart, mood of that particular house is different .There is feelings of insecurity and uncertainty in atmosphere of that house. Friends though these things look minor yet they play very important role in converting house to home in on going pandemic time. For sure if not taken care with respect to time the house will have some sort of mess in spite of all physical comfort available in house. I have been student of science. Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. Any feeling causes one to emit a vibration that can be positive or negative. To become source of inspiration for youngster specially in pandemic time one should try to emit positive vibrations in surroundings
My humble submission friends is, to convert house to real home in pandemic we must try to practice of keeping away from anger regret, ego problems, not expecting too much from each other as far possible . Avoid thinking that so and so is happier than me.In difficult time like pandemic do every activity with good –positive intensions in mind, which simply means house keeping is to start from our self that too from our mind. In real house of ours we no doubt, outsource housekeeping which is good practice but it is not complete to make our house –real home. We must carry out every activity with simple straight forward manner with good intensions and clear mind . We must listen to our heart,and keep doing activity of charity to help our souls. Since feelings speak louder than words. When each member of family think and act so, things in house will role automatically with time and dynamics of real home will become examples of inspiration for others to live in real home in pandemic time.
Dr Sukarma Rani Thareja,
Associate Professor-Retired
CSJM University
Alumnus IIT-K-1986,Ph.D(Chemistry)
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