Nurturing Criminals

    Iam Sirius
    0 Likes | 117 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Thomas More once said, "we love to chastise our criminals rather than educate them" which for the longest period of time made me wonder if the basic structure of this society which shouts for justice at every milestone of the most vulgar crimes is actually just in itself? 

    Thieves until early 18th century were hung for even petty thefts in England but the crime rates still remained uneffected because while the city of london had some people with more than basic neccesities to feed a family of four, while the working class struggled to keep their health and honour in intact and when worst came to worst, their pride broke and the animalistic instincts to survive took over driving them to steal. even in 21st century,people known as housewoners of this economy are the first one to shut their doors at face of their sick and struggling labours, which renders their dextrous selves keenly idle and then on top of that we lock them up like animal after their petty crimes.

    I, by no means, want to glorify any crime but I, by all means want to postulate the idea of breaking convential methods of "improving" the society by eleminating the criminals. Rather than turning prisions into cage, change them into rehabs for nurturing people into humans and engraving humanity in their core natures because it's not a secret. a person who serves 10 year for a crime will do it again because of the environment he has become accostumed to in jail and is now more unfit to live as a normal human being as he was 10 years ago and so on, the situations worsens.

    In the light of recent events, a lot of opinions and protests surrounded 'hathras' rape case and once again, the idea of hanging the rapists was re-introduced, which I do not oppose but I am not a fan of this method either because even after nirbhaya rape case, these cases still happen and will keep on happening until we educate ourselves. Also, class room education here is kind of worthles, because of some obvious reasons but outwitting people with age old principals about feminism in their daily lives will help. yes, at times hanging criminals will set an example, but petty yet ungracious crimes such as molestation and mental, social and domestic abuse will remain unwaivered.

    I,am sirius, Half of us don't realise our priveleges until we have the opportunity to die in a rspectable hospital with our family members due to old age rather than dying on a street begging for help. what we need to remember is that seperating us from being a criminal is our priveleges that we attained due to centuries old social hierarchy