6 Best Novels That Every Teenager Should Read

6 best novels that every teenager should read

    Yukti Agarwal
    0 Likes | 146 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    6 best novels that every teenager should read


    Books are bliss whoever said this was not wrong. Everyone should try reading novels. They will definitely not regret it. They can make you travel without moving. 

    You can stop being anything or anywhere at all.


    Here is the list of the top 6 best novels that every teenager should read.

    1- MY NOT SO PERFECT LIFE- by Sophie Kinsella

    There are various books written by the famous author Sophie Kinsella but by far MY NOT SO PERFECT LIFE is one of the best. This book is about a girl named Katie Brenner who likes everyone to call her with a cool nickname cat. She has a cool and well-maintained Instagram page. This book is funny, light, and very engaging. This book is perfect for a person who has recently started to read. It also has a touch of wisdom. 

    It is all about Katie Brenner's life and how not so perfect life is also a perfect life. 

    My Not So Perfect Life 

    2- EVERYTHING EVERYTHING - by  Nicola Yoon

    This is Nicola Yoon's first novel.  EVERYTHING EVERYTHING is all about the crazy risks we take for love. This novel revolves around a girl named Maddy who is allergic to the world. And a boy named Olly who is determined to find a way to talk to her. 

    The movie called EVERYTHING EVERYTHING is based upon this novel. 

    It is a fictional romance novel. This book is one of the most amazing and beautiful book.

    Everything Everything 

    3- THE ROOM ON THE ROOF - Ruskin bond

    THE ROOM ON THE ROOF is written by the famous Indian author Ruskin bond. This book is written by the author when he was seventeen years old. This is a timeless story of love and friendship.

    In this book, an anglo- Indian boy rusty who is orphaned has to live with a strict English guardian. Due to their strict ways, rusty runs away from his home to live with their Indian friends. 


    4- TWILIGHT- by  Stephenie Meyer

    It is the first book of the twilight series and one of the best of that series. This book is written from the perspective of a seventeen-year-old girl isabella swan. Who meets the mysterious and charming Edward Cullen and her life takes a thrilling turn. Edward Cullen is a handsome boy with some supernatural gifts.

    It is a vampire- romance fiction novel. 

    Recently author Stephenie Meyer has published a new book- midnight sun with the perspective of Edward Cullen. 


    5- TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN- by john green

    Surely you have heard about the famous author john green. TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN is one of the best novel of john green. This book is about a sixteen-year-old girl aza who is suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    If you liked this book you can also read several other john green novels like the fault in our stars, looking for Alaska.The Turtles All The Way Down


    Surely you had heard about the famous harry potter series. It is one of the best novel of all time. Philosopher Stone is the first book of the harry potter series followed by-

          2-The chamber of secret 

    3- Prisoner of Azkaban

    4-Goblet of fire

    5- Order of the phoenix 

    6- Half-blood prince

    7-Deathly hallows

    This book revolves around a boy harry potter who lives with his strict guardian who believes the wizards are not good people. And hence not ready to send Harry to Hogwarts. It is a fantasy novel. It is a very engaging and a different book with immensely good writing of jk rowling.

