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AMAZON Started Shipping Stuff In INDIA from US And……….

    Tejas Gautam
    0 Likes | 1368 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    #Amazon was the one who made everyone know them. #JEFF BEZOS being the world’s richest entrepreneur recently executed something for the sake of Amazon. It would benefit many but to some there’s no use of it. Importing of products to India is a great deal.  In the recent years products were imported but with a lot of hassle.  Some even paid the taxes and tariff. But even after paying it there is no guarantee of the product. But that has gone.

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    Amazon made us believe it. And due to this believe and support it is standing right up. Extending its entrepreneurship further it started to import goods to# INDIA. This is a great deal. All those who are tech lovers would surely like this. All those who want to explore more will be helped with surety. But everything would be explained later. Like everything has pros and cons it is same with this also.

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    All the Chinese products imported to #INDIA have high taxes involved. Which not only boost up the price but also increase the percentage of commission. The product which an ordinary man could buy, he couldn’t buy it in #INDIA. Due to this he had to mange with low quality product. But AMAZON initiated to import. This would not only reduce the price almost half but average person could also buy it. But the main problem is only about awareness.

    AMAZON also not showed this also. It would had helped

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    many. But now it’s no worries. But the things that are seen are not the same. There are many conditions applied in between.

    Pros And Cons

    As a lot of money would be saved, but the delivery charges are as high as $150(appx).  Which otherwise compensates the price but still money is saved. Now having a belief on AMAZON no one would be worried about their product. Returns are not specified yet. No person would be involved in between. For example the original price of apple products just with the delivery charges involved.

    But not all products can be delivered yet. There is very small amount of products that can only be delivered. Not from US but many other countries would be exporting in INDIA. But it would change all the games of importing products later when a variety of products would be started delivering in INDIA. Later when it would become a piece of cake than many commoners would give it a try leading to a standard life.

    Amazon would surely be taking something out of it. If it has to be on the top than these strategies should be implied. It is one the request that many Indians were demanding. And day-by-day many improvements would be seen. Now the saving is truly implied that “Internet have brought the world closer.”