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E3 Strikes AGAIN!

    Saksham Goel
    0 Likes | 108 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Huge Announcements at E3 :

    It is the biggest gaming showcase event that has striked again with a huge variety of new games coming later this year. These games were much awaited since last two years and now are finally revealed in the E3.

    Games that were announced this event :

    1. Assassin's Creed Odyssey : The much awaited game after 3 years of this series has been revealed which has a extremely large map with a great story which is adapted by the choices we make. 2. Last Of Us Part II : Trailers were going ham a year earlier and no one could figure out the story but naughty dog developers revealed it at E3. Game adaptes great combat system as per real life. 3. Spiderman 2018 : This will come out in mid September and was long awaited and has cool graphics and one of the best marvel related game. 4. Just Cause 4 : The DLC of Just Cause 3 left us with a name called BlackHand which was thought to be another part of its DLC but it was not known until this game's announcement. 5. Shadow of Tomb Raider : 3rd part of Tomb Raider has arrived with Lara's new survival abilities on jungle to completely blend with nature and super stealth. 6. CyberPunk 2077 : This game took E3 by surprise and was declared the best game to be launched in this event and has the best gameplay. 7. The Division 2 : The new Tom Clancy's game has arrived with the super amazing combat since the release of the first part. 8. Fortza Horizon 4 : The king of racing games has launched another part with original cars and smooth gaming experience. 9. Fallout 76 : The crazy story is back with this game with crazy twists in it. 10. Skull and Bones : The new survival game is launched here with pirate ships and rafts. Aye...ya....mate once again after AC Black Flag.

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